Help me win $1000!!

Hi All! My office is starting a weight loss competition on April 1. There are 11 of us in the office, and I am one of 2 women in the entire operation. Needless to say, the odds of winning this competition against a lot of guys (many of whom have a LOT to lose) is slim [no pun intended]. The prize, sponsored by our owners, is $1000!! :noway:

Obviously I would LOVE to win this, and I have been really trying to shed the pounds even before this competition came about. We are calculating on BMI % loss, so that those that don't have as much to loose still have a fighting chance. I could stand to lose about 50 pounds, so it's not like I am on the last 10 and need help, but I don't know if I can do enough to pull out a win.

I need your help... your support... your "tips and tricks". I have PCOS, and that always proves really difficult for me to lose weight regardless. If you were doing this competition, what would you to do really amp it up? Any and all advice is WELCOMED!



  • JoLMahan
    JoLMahan Posts: 34 Member
    and feel free to add me as a friend! :smile:
  • Josalinn
    Josalinn Posts: 1,066 Member
    I guess we would need to know what you are doing right now for weight loss, in order to offer suggestions for ramp-age.

    That said, I think weight loss competitions are awkward.

    Deepen your deficit and increase your workouts. Add weight lifting if you aren't doing it now. Muscle burns more calories at rest than fat does.
  • JoLMahan
    JoLMahan Posts: 34 Member
    Calories I am keeping between 1300 and 1500. I just purchased a food scale and a heart rate monitor so my calculations are more accurate. I really want to lose the weight and keep it off.... not do crazy things just for the sake of the challenge.
  • MrsHollingsworthThomas
    I'm in the middle of a weight loss competition myself!. My prize will be $500 though. The difference is, we all put in $100; winner takes all.
    I would DEFINITELY encourage you to join the competition! You don't even have to put any money in!
    So far, I'm in the lead of my competition. There's 6 of us; 2 men, 4 women.
    I started the 'GiveIt100' challenge about 3 weeks before this competition started, so I had a running start. I work out EVERY DAY as part of my commitment to 100 days of exercise (the 'GiveIt100' challenge).
    In addition to that, I also count calories; I allow myself 1400 per day (not adding in the calories I earn from working out).
    I'm on day 60 and so far I just hit 24 lbs lost (I had a rough week and a half with the flu). But I've bounced back and the past 2 weeks I have lost four lbs each week!
    Just FYI, I'm a 30 YO female that has about 80 lbs to lose.
    My suggestions to you:
    1.) Cardio, Cardio Cardio.
    2.) COUNT CALORIES; exercising is GREAT, but it takes a lot of working out to burn a pound. If you don't put it on in the first place, there's less to lose.
    3.) Get support. Whether it be friends, family, MFP, or whatever... get some people around you that will motivate you and help hold you accountable. And work out buddies are awesome too!
    4.)Drink water of course
    5.) If you can stand it, do some sort of cleanse/fast. I did just a 3 day Saturday-Monday juice cleanse to jump start my challenge. It helped motivate me.
    6.) Have a cheat day. Don't completely deprive yourself. But don't go CRAZY on that cheat day, either. Ideally, you should still work out that day, too.

    These are just things that have been helping me.

    Friend me if you like.. maybe we can help each other.
    I'm WINNING my competition. Ours end May 31. I've already planned on using that $500 towards the new clothes I'll need after losing all the weight!! HA HA

    You have to want it.
  • Coyla
    Coyla Posts: 444 Member
    I don't like weight loss competitions. It encourages people to go overboard and do unhealthy things for awhile, then go back to their old eating habits.

    People will abuse diuretics and laxatives in order to win the $1000. There has to be a better way.
  • JoLMahan
    JoLMahan Posts: 34 Member
    I'm in the middle of a weight loss competition myself!. My prize will be $500 though. The difference is, we all put in $100; winner takes all.
    I would DEFINITELY encourage you to join the competition! You don't even have to put any money in!
    So far, I'm in the lead of my competition. There's 6 of us; 2 men, 4 women.
    I started the 'GiveIt100' challenge about 3 weeks before this competition started, so I had a running start. I work out EVERY DAY as part of my commitment to 100 days of exercise (the 'GiveIt100' challenge).
    In addition to that, I also count calories; I allow myself 1400 per day (not adding in the calories I earn from working out).
    I'm on day 60 and so far I just hit 24 lbs lost (I had a rough week and a half with the flu). But I've bounced back and the past 2 weeks I have lost four lbs each week!
    Just FYI, I'm a 30 YO female that has about 80 lbs to lose.
    My suggestions to you:
    1.) Cardio, Cardio Cardio.
    2.) COUNT CALORIES; exercising is GREAT, but it takes a lot of working out to burn a pound. If you don't put it on in the first place, there's less to lose.
    3.) Get support. Whether it be friends, family, MFP, or whatever... get some people around you that will motivate you and help hold you accountable. And work out buddies are awesome too!
    4.)Drink water of course
    5.) If you can stand it, do some sort of cleanse/fast. I did just a 3 day Saturday-Monday juice cleanse to jump start my challenge. It helped motivate me.
    6.) Have a cheat day. Don't completely deprive yourself. But don't go CRAZY on that cheat day, either. Ideally, you should still work out that day, too.

    These are just things that have been helping me.

    Friend me if you like.. maybe we can help each other.
    I'm WINNING my competition. Ours end May 31. I've already planned on using that $500 towards the new clothes I'll need after losing all the weight!! HA HA

    You have to want it.

    thank you SO much Mshollingsworth. I am definitely friending you! :) That is just the kind of motiviation i was looking for.

    Do you eat back the calories you lose when working out?

    I agree Coyla that some people may do unhealthy things, but unfortunately that's just not something anyone can control. I have faith that the people I work with wont go overboard with this! LOL I just want to make the right choices and use this as my motivation to finally lose the weight!
  • JoLMahan
    JoLMahan Posts: 34 Member
    Thanks Jenn! I have actually heard a lot of good things about Paleo and PCOS. This may be the right time to try it out!