Trying to Get 3-4 % body fat off

Lately i have been finding if very difficult to cut off my body fat. I just recently was in MMA sport and cuz of injuries i believe it would not be the best thing for me not to continue. After a week of not doing the sports i felt like i still had to do something active and something to stimulate my body. I always had to cut weight to order to fight at the right weight, i believe that cutting my weight have canibolic my muscles. Is there any help ful advice out there. I feel like i need to consume 2800 calories to maintained and if i want to lose fat i have to be at a caloric deficit of at least 670 cal to lose 1.5 pounds of fat week. I have questions if im at a caloric deficit but wouldnt that ruin muscle gains? Im a little confuse on this whole body building thing? i currently consume all healthy foods but i cant help but to consume 200 grams of protein, is that a bad thing?... My weight is at 180 pounds.. i lift weights for 1 hour and half at least 3-4 weeks and i think i pretty much do lite cardio everyday and about twice a week i do about 30 minute of hard cardio. I just want to know if im on the right track of cutting off this fat.. And the picture you see on my profile is recent..=)