this time, I Will Succeed.

I don't want to get skinny. I'm not doing this for anyone but myself which makes it even harder bc when do I ever do anything for myself?

the BIG 40 is close enough and a lifestyle change is needed. my current diet of coffee and cigarettes is doing nothing for me.

I love to cook but no one in the house appreciates eating healthy when I do. They couldn't care if the chicken was fried or baked without the skin.

I have no "personal space" to work out in so when attempts are made I'm the brunt of jokes or imitated for a laugh at someone else's expense.

With all that said - I WILL SUCCEED. For me.


  • secwife47
    secwife47 Posts: 29 Member
    Hi, sorry about your situation. But screw em! Do it for yourself. You can go out and walk that way your not around them. Try to find a walking buddy. We have a morning walking group at our Mall. Maybe you can look into something like that. Believe me the longer you wait the harder it is to take it off. I agree with you I don't want to be skinny, just healthy. Cook what you want and if they want to eat it that's up to them. Feel free to add me. Im a lot older than you but could always use a weight loss buddy. Good luck. And you are worth it.