Nere and Question...

lorney31 Posts: 2
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
I am new here. My name is Lauren and I'm 31 years old. I just had my third child in May, and I'm having a horrible time losing the baby weight. I recently started attending Zumba, and I decided to track my calories too, to see if I could reduce the amount I'm eatting. Conciously writing down the food is really helping me reduce my intake. It almost feels like someone will be checking up on me!!!

My question is that I'm breastfeeding, and this system does not take that into account. Is there a way to set my goal a little higher? They say BFing Moms need 500 calories, but I was even thinking maybe just 250 calories so that I could lose weight. I want to make sure that I have enough milk for my baby.

Just realized I had a typo in my topic too. LOL Should read New Here and Question!

Any suggestions?



  • yomairaA
    yomairaA Posts: 32 Member
    I had that issue after I had my daughter 4/09 I wanted to BF and everyone told me I needed to eat to produce the milk.... I ended up at almost 300. I would say you should question your doc and def consume more than the site says. the baby is taking you calories thru the milk... Try 250 cal more and if you fell its not enough increase a little... if you eat healthy and exercise you should be fine I used a breats pump too, helps the more milk u give the more u will produce.Good luck
  • maybe set your goal at 1 lb per week instead of 2? That will give you some extra calories and then you can still get the happy under calories and you will be using more too! Just an idea...Otherwise keep tracking and just add the 250-500 yourself!

    Congratulations on your new arrival! :flowerforyou:
  • I'm also new here. I just had a baby 7 weeks ago and am also BF. When I signed up and I put my goal in it said that I needed to be eating 1200 calories a day to lose the weight but since I'm nursing I went in to where my goals were and added 500 calories to that. I know I probably won't lose weight as fast as I want to but I think only eating 1700 calories a day and exercising will eventually get me to my goal. Anyway, I hope that helps. Good luck with everything. :D
  • Just be sure not to lose weight too fast! When I was breastfeeding my son I was losing weight too fast (because it burns so many calories to produce milk, and I was working out) and my milk almost dried up! I had to pump and pump to get it back up--Absolutely no more than 2 lbs per week lost and you should be fine =)
  • Thanks all! I have about 40 lbs to lose. I already set my goal at 1 lb per week. I have about 40 lbs to lose! Yikes! It originally gave me a caloric goal of 1510, so I just added 250 to that and now my goal is 1760/day. I think that should be fine. I drink a ton of water too, and that helps with the BFing.

    I need to add a pic and a little weight loss tracker!!!
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