Calories vs net calories

I'm a bit confused, after reading a lot of posts.
I'm 5'7" 250lbs 46 year old female. My BMR 1807, I have been using MFP for 7 weeks. I have lost 14 lbs.
I also do water aerobics 3 days a week and walk other days. I'm currently set to loose 2 lbs a week, at 1270 cals.
I'm doing good at this amount. Drinking between 100 oz to 130 oz of water a day. I'm never starving like I was before I started. I eat when I'm hungry but never eat just to eat.
Some days I go over, but for the most part my net cals are always under, some days by a lot. Before you ask yes I weigh most of my food, i say most because some times for work I have to have lunch meetings.
Now for the question, how much below your net cals is to low?