help me, please

Hello! I am logging in for the first time. I am very over weight. I am a food addict. I need fitness pals to help me out, yes, I am 70 years old and I have a desire to live longer and to try and stay fit for many years to come


  • maureensome
    This is my first day to, lets do this together. I need lot (LOTS) of help as well
  • ClaireBearCB
    I just started today too! I really need to lose the weight! :S
  • kirtschneider
    Hi tobi...,

    Good job on taking the first step towards reaching your goals! My suggestion now that you've started is to set little goals because little goals when met feel like BIG victories. An example, Log in Every Day and chart your foods no matter what. This keeps you connected and gives you a victory even if you didn't meet your dietary goals.
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    I searched Google for the best free online weight loss sites and this one came up in the list. I have already tried some of the others sites so I decided to try this one, too. I joined today and hope it works. Several of my co-workers also recommended this site.

    Good Luck to you all!