I'm a mess

I just binged.Ate a 16 oz jar of PB, and a ton of other stuff in edition to my daily intake. I don't feel guilty though. I havent had my period in almost 20 months. I don't know what this means, if it's ok for me to eat like this or what.


  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member

    Ummmm I think you posted this in the wrong section.

    But no, you shouldn't regularly eat a 16oz jar of peanut butter unless it fits into your calories for the day.
  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member
    Well, its not okay to eat that much PB unless it fits into your daily calories.

    And, if you haven't had your period in 20 months either there is something medically wrong like you have an eating disorder or exercising excessively which, I had late periods due to exercising but 20 months wouldn't be the reason for excessive exercising unless I was depriving my body of food.

    Do you have an eating disorder, like bulimia, anorexia?

    Edit: If no eating disorder then you need to seek medical attention.

    And you know its not okay for you to eat like this so what's really going on here?
  • I also haven't had my period in quite some time (two years), and I suppose you could say I can be medically diagnosed with anorexia nervosa due to some of my physical symptoms. Nonetheless, I still eat a lot throughout the day, though I do exercise on top of that. But If it makes you feel any better, my total caloric intake today was 4,350, which is substantially more than average. I feel significantly repulsed by what I ate and how much of it, but obviously I'm not doing something right if I have such a low body mass, and I find myself frequently binging.
  • insidemeout
    insidemeout Posts: 20 Member
    5K cals for the day... 've been trying to gain for a while and im just sick of not seeing quick results so maybe that's why? Im just not upset. Also, Im not that full right now and probably going to eat mroe...
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Do you have an eating disorder?
    Usually binge eating, and a loss of periods, is the result of having been overly restrictive and/or reaching an unhealthy weight as a result.