Macro Percentages

Age: 23 Gender: Female Weight: 129 Height: 5'3 Goal: 115? Really just wanting a flat belly! and to change my lifestyle. Calories: 1600 Workout: Lifting 4 days a week & Cardio 1-3 times a week

I have my macros set to 40% protein, 30% carbs, and 30% fats. That puts my macro goals at 160g protein, 120g carbs, and 41g fat. I can get pretty close to my macros everyday if I pay attention and use 1 serving of protein powder.

However, I recently read that you should calculate 1g protein for 1 lb of body weight. Should I set my protein to 129? I don't want to OVER do my protein. I'm still pretty new to this.

Thanks :)


  • enchantedgardener
    enchantedgardener Posts: 214 Member
    Whether 129 g or 160 g, you're only looking at a 30 g difference. That's not really all that much of a difference.

    Some folks calculate their macros using percentages of total calories. Other folks use ratios of macronutrient to body weight. There are benefits and drawback to each method. Whichever works for you is fine. You can always tweak it as you go along.

    I wouldn't suggest going much over 40% protein, at least not without supervision from a medical professional. Yes, there are risks of liver and kidney damage with excessive protein intake, but at the 30-40% level you will be fine. (Unless you have a pre-existing liver or kidney problem.)
  • Krys052490
    Krys052490 Posts: 72 Member
    Okay! Thanks! I've never had any problems like that. I just wanted to make sure. I won't go over 160g protein (40%). I never eat exactly 1600 and I looove some carbs so I will gladly trade if I need to. lol. Thanks again!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Whether 129 g or 160 g, you're only looking at a 30 g difference. That's not really all that much of a difference.

    Some folks calculate their macros using percentages of total calories. Other folks use ratios of macronutrient to body weight. There are benefits and drawback to each method. Whichever works for you is fine. You can always tweak it as you go along.

    I wouldn't suggest going much over 40% protein, at least not without supervision from a medical professional. Yes, there are risks of liver and kidney damage with excessive protein intake, but at the 30-40% level you will be fine. (Unless you have a pre-existing liver or kidney problem.)

    actually 30g of protien is significant.

    Protien needs are based on only required 0.8g of protien for each lb of LBM..not 1g per pound of body weight.

    My goal is 120g a day and I weigh 160lbs...
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    Just swap them round (carbs and protein) and you should still be getting plenty protein :)