I need help with my laziness

Im here in hopes of finding people who could literally motivate me and support me while i do the same too of course to get back on my weight loss joruney.

i'm a lazy person and im a hugeeeee gamer so when i dont have school related things to do i use myf ree time to game, and i sit on my *kitten* like 12 hours straight to game because i dont want to work out, im so unsatisfied with myself rihg tnow after weighing myself today, ive gained everything that i lost from a few months ago and now im back where im at again. I really cant get myself to workout becuase im afraid of pain and i completely hate exercising for some odd reason. I dont find it stress relieving, i find it stressful :(

I need some support and helping me get on track with execising and eating right again. <3 fitness and weightloss buddies anyone?! :)

--> if ur also around my age (20s) or in college we'd have even more stuff to talk about!


  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member
    You can add me Ill check in on you as much as I can but more pervy to those who support me! LOL

    But we can give it a shot! I have awesome friends! LOL

    Edit: I check in daily and serious about my fitness goals. You ready girl!? lol
  • pikaboooo
    pikaboooo Posts: 54
    wat, more pervy to those who support u? LOL.

    and hey that would help tho.. but i havent started yet , it'll be in a few days but thats alwyas nice to have someone look after me to keep meon top of things. cuase i nkow i'll make an excuse and back out if i were to do this alone becuase i have zero motivation when it comes to working out even tho i want to lose weight so bad :(
  • Mitzigan94
    Mitzigan94 Posts: 393 Member
    Yep, I used to be like that too. Still you have to eat at a calorie deficit. And for your exercise. I suggest you buy a desk cycle bike. You can cycle your legs there while playing video games. You can see your calorie burn on desk cycle bike using this site http://www.deskcycle.com/CalorieCalculator.html.

    --- Your welcome,
  • gigglesinthesun
    gigglesinthesun Posts: 860 Member
    eat at a deficit and start fidgeting whilst gaming ...
  • ToogieTuesday
    What about those physical games? Wii and whatnot? Those should satisfy both your gaming want and your getting up and running about without even noticing (distracting yourself out of knowing you're muscles are getting worked out).

    Drink plenty of fluids and stretch and cool down stretch, very important.... honestly working out doesn't always hurt if you do those things.
  • karenertl
    karenertl Posts: 271 Member
    Yep, I used to be like that too. Still you have to eat at a calorie deficit. And for your exercise. I suggest you buy a desk cycle bike. You can cycle your legs there while playing video games. You can see your calorie burn on desk cycle bike using this site http://www.deskcycle.com/CalorieCalculator.html.

    --- Your welcome,

    I have a stationary bike that I like to use when I'm watching tv. I think it's a decent idea to at least get you so you're not completely stationary for quite so long!
  • Miss_TeaPot
    Miss_TeaPot Posts: 55 Member
    Hello! I am super lazy too. I am 21 and have A LOT of weight to lose. I also sleep a lot. People might think that would keep me from eating but....no lol
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    you're making a lot of excuses for yourself. it sounds like you have yourself set up to rebuff any advice anyone gives you to get off your *kitten* and move. you say you want to lose weight, so eat less. you don't need to change your sedentary lifestyle for that. if you want to incorporate exercise into your day, put down the games and go do something. join a gym, take a bike ride, go jog or a combo walk/jog. stop making excuses for yourself and take responsibility.
  • pikaboooo
    pikaboooo Posts: 54
    lolol yupuipuyupi, becuase im lazy i always try t omake excuses, ;C
    but i cant get myself out to do it becuase i dont like the feeling when u exercise.
    thanks for the resposnes guys,

    what types of workouts are fun for u guys?
  • pikaboooo
    pikaboooo Posts: 54
    i cant afford a wii nor a tv screen.
    ive made myselef go on a huge lent on gaming so hopefully this willl giv emie time to work out .. just need to get myself to do it ,
  • pikaboooo
    pikaboooo Posts: 54
    oh wow,
    desk cycle bike, that looks cool
    ive nver even heard of it i just googled it haha.
    but its prety pricey :/
  • pikaboooo
    pikaboooo Posts: 54
    Yep, I used to be like that too. Still you have to eat at a calorie deficit. And for your exercise. I suggest you buy a desk cycle bike. You can cycle your legs there while playing video games. You can see your calorie burn on desk cycle bike using this site http://www.deskcycle.com/CalorieCalculator.html.

    --- Your welcome,

    oh wow,
    desk cycle bike, that looks cool
    ive nver even heard of it i just googled it haha.
    but its prety pricey :/
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    Honestly, you can have as many fitness buddies and people to help you as you want. It still come down to you and your desire to change. If you're not willing to change, then no amount of buddies is going to do that for you. I've learned that I just need to get off my *kitten* when I don't feel like it and go. It's not hard or taxing or stressful to walk. Walk to the store, walk to the park, walk to the corner and back, walk to the mailbox, just walk.

    Stop telling yourself what you can't do. What you don't like doing. What you won't do. And start telling yourself what you will do. I will walk every day for 10 minutes or 20 minutes or whatever if realistic for you. I will get up off my *kitten* every hour and take a 20 minute walk down the road. I will google fitness videos and do 1 a day. Then turn will into am. I am walking every day, I am getting up every hour ,I am doing 1 workout video per day.

    We all made excuses for ourselves at one point or another. There are still days when I want to sit on my *kitten* and not workout. But I look at my *before* picture and drag myself to the gym. I'm often motivating myself by saying "just one more rep and you can put these weight away": "just one more mile and we're done" "Dont' quit now! Do you wanna turn into that fat lazy couch riding potato chip devouring unhealthy shell of a women you once were? Come on you've got this" Sometimes I say these out loud, at the gym and people look at me weird. But I don't care.

    My walk a day and going through the motion of weight lifting has turned me into a 5/10k running, ultimate frisbee playing, weight lifting, kickboxing fanatic. And it was all grown out of a dislike of exercising.
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    To lose weight, you need to be eating at a calorie deficit. Exercising helps to reach that deficit, but you will find that you can never out-exercise a bad diet.

    The main thing is that losing 75 pounds (what your ticker shows) is going to take some time. Probably at least a year. That's a lot of hard work and self control. YOU have to be ready to put in the hard work. Having great friends is awesome (I love mine), but they will not be able to make you get up off the couch or put the cookies back in the cabinet.

    Lose all the excuses. When you are ready to lose the weight - you will.
  • GothJuice
    GothJuice Posts: 66 Member
    Feel free to add me, I am completely the same! Need motivation to stop spending all my time of Mass Effect and Dragon Age and get my lazy butt down to the gym.
    I'm a 22 year old university student (which is the same as college if you're in America!) I will try and be as supportive, but sometimes with my work load I tend to go a fair few days at a time just doing my diary and nothing much else!
    I'm a massive console and board gamer, I even work part time as a board game demonstrator so I'm sure we'll have plenty to talk about !
  • pikaboooo
    pikaboooo Posts: 54
    Thanks guys.
    all these posts is really helping me bnecome motivated to worko ut. seeing that so many people are on here who are willing to help each other out and also u guys posting toh elp me!
    I completely agree withi u guys . im planning out my exercise and diets now and will start shopping for my healthy foods and buy some gym gear .

    Ive been telling myself i want to become pretty. ive been following alot of fitness blogs to keep myself motivated and it is slowly working i think.

    Ive told meyslef that i still stop gaming and use my gaming time to workout. its only like 1h out o fmy day i have no excuse to not be able to do it. im just scared of people giving me looks at the gym becu ase im unfit. i know eveyrone experiences that but its soemrthing i hear alot and see alot . how do uguys get over it.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    No one is going to be looking at you at the gym. Most people there are looking at themselves. Completely absorbed into their own world, their own routines. Bring some music and get into your own world.