How to get back at it/ kill cravings?!

Gave myself a week off whole on vacation and have been pigging out on junk and being lazy. I usually eat very clean and workout 6 hours a week a mix of weights and cardio and Pilates. I can't seem to
Kill my cravings now and get back on track! Keep needing after dinner snacks. How do you guys kill craving and stop snacking after dinner??


  • GingerLolita
    GingerLolita Posts: 738 Member
    Well, I don't stop snacking after dinner. I always have dessert. If you don't satisfy your cravings, they'll never go away. You seem to have an "all or nothing" mentality. Maybe you need to explore how to have what you crave in moderation and don't overwork yourself to the point where you need to be lazy.
  • healthieryear
    healthieryear Posts: 17 Member
    I find the healthier I eat and the longer I stay away from something the less I crave it.

    I had some chocolate the other day and then indulged several more times due to craving it so intensely....I need to stay away from it and after a week the craving will be less intense. Randomly it will come back but never as intensely as times right after I've indulged.

    Maybe try having healthier snacks after dinner...fruits/vegetables?
  • srr728
    srr728 Posts: 549 Member
    i honestly find that when i eat 75 grams or more of protein i do not get as hungry as if i eat a bunch of sugary carbs.

    i try to have a coffee or tea after i eat it helps fill up some space when i want to keep eating

    and keep cut up veggies for this time, good fiber and lots of chewing
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    I'm a night time snacker. Always have been. So I plan my day accordingly. I typically eat less in the morning and at lunch so that I can "afford" a bigger supper and snacks at bed.

    The best way to succeed is to tweak your plan to still allow you to do what you crave, just in a healthier fashion.

    If it were me, and I ate all my cals by supper... I'd be going over by 8pm. :P

    And then... I'd probably go way over. #sadbuttrue