Slim Fast to start?



  • glowgirl14
    glowgirl14 Posts: 200 Member
    You didn't answer the question about your calories - because I believe you mentioned that you had a 600 calorie deficit from 1260.

    Please stop doing this!!! You're going to harm your body. You will stop losing weight. I did this to myself because I did not know what I was doing.

    Started at around 200lbs...started at 1200 calories a day. It worked for a while. When it stopped, I would go to 800/day for a week, and then back to 1200. I stopped losing weight after about 60lbs. dropped my calories further and further and 300/day. Looking back, I'm so incredibly amazed and thankful that I didn't hurt myself in a more permanent manner. "Shrink my stomach"? I had no appetite for the 300 calories I was eating. The tiny bag of almonds I was eating for 90 cals were nauseating. Mental focus was shot. No energy. It took MONTHS to get myself back to some semblance of normal.

    Finally got on MFP and argued the merits of slimfast or low calorie plans. Thought I was "different" from everyone else because I "couldn't" lose weight. FINALLY listened to everyone here and found out what I should be eating by using the calculators at

    Got a fitbit so I knew how many calories I was actually burning. (Thought I was lightly active too. Nope. Working out a few times a week put me into the active category.)

    It took a couple of weeks for the results to show, but wonder of wonders...what all these people told me worked. some of these posts...really listen to what they are telling you. Don't just skim through them if you're not inclined to agree and move on to one that says it's ok...whatever you choose to do is your decision, but at least make it an informed one!

    : )