Weight Loss and the Contraceptive Implant

I have the Nexplanon contraceptive implant, I used to have the Implanon one - and I gained around 5 stone in 3 years with it in - but I wasn't sure if that was due to the implant, quitting smoking or severe post natal depression which led to Obsessie Binge Eating Disorder (OBED). I had it removed and had my daughter and lost around 3 stone.

I have been in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy to deal with the OBED and haven't binge eaten in so so long.

I had the nexplanon put in (safer than risk of falling pregnant again, can't take pill, don't like injections so I thought this would be ok as I could have it in for the 3 years like last time.

I have since gained the 3 stone I have lost and then some more, I am up at 22 stone and keep yo-yoing like mad, I will lose some weight, then gain it back and it frustrates the life out of me!! I have increased facial hair growth, acne and terrible mood swings.

Spoken to my doctor, he has advised to get the implant removed, so I have booked apt to get it taken out and getting the coil fitted.

I wondered if anyone else had this problem with the implant?


  • AnexRavensong
    AnexRavensong Posts: 262 Member
    Have you considered IUDs? I'm on Mirena a hormone IUD. I had it 5 years and last year got a new one put in (they last 5 years) and I've managed to lose weight with it. I also don't get periods anymore which makes me happy, but I know some women do have problems.
  • Cappuccino2014
    If you look at posts here the mirena works for some but not for others. It's still hormones and even though they say it's only local it still has lots of side effects of which weight gain can be one. I've just had mine removed , it didn't impact on my weight but I had other side effects I was sick of.
    I think all contraception has good and bad points and suits some better than others.
  • sempiternalDreams93
    i was one the depo for 2 years and gaained alot of weight ( it increased my appeptite hence i ate more and gained wieght) so i switched over to the nexplanon implant. i've lost over 40 lbs since i've had it in ( 7 months), it's a hard one to judge as they effect everyone in different ways.

    the only thing i can suggest is talk through with your gp about your different options. like you have considered getting the coil and see how you get on with that.

    i've had more mood swings since i had the implant but i've just put that down to the sudden change in hormone levels.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    hormonal BC does not cause the weight gain...it causes increased appetite...that causes the weight gain.

    Be aware that you have that increased appetite and deal with it by counting calories either to maintenance or in a deficet to lose.

    I personally have been on hormonal BC since I was in my teens...in the last 15 years it's been half using Mirena and half using Depo.

    Currently depo, 1 year ago it was Mirena...I have no issues losing weight...and keeping it off.
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    I've been on Depo for 11 years total. After 8 years, I decided to try Mirena for a year and I hated it because I've never had children and the implant just barely fit in my uterus. I could feel it poking if I bent over. Not so much painful as it was just weird, so went back to Depo. Anyway, within the first year on the Depo, I lost weight. Then over the next few years, I gained weight. Then some more years past, and I lost weight. Then I gained weight, etc. I can't attribute my gains or losses to the birth control because I went through ups and downs like that before ever being on birth control. Poor eating and exercising habits are to blame. As long as I stick to eating how much I should be for how much I'm exercising, I don't have any problems.