Calorie counting and weight loss (PLEASE HELP!)

I just want to say thank you first of all to whoever reads this because I know I wrote a lot but I wanted to make sure everyone had a good background idea as to where I am at right now!

I was just wondering if anyone has had success in reaching their end goal with MFP and calorie counting? I am currently 20 years old and i weigh 124 lbs. Now I know that weight doesn't seem to crazy and is actually considered healthy for my height which is 5'6 1/2 and I have been a healthy weight my whole life because of I do naturally have skinny genes and have always been relatively active but I do have a little bit of an issue with small lower belly fat and a bit of a fat in my inner thighs, i do naturally have pretty muscular legs due to playing soccer for most of my life and when i flex my abdominals I can feel them under my fat, it's just my lower stomach fat that is the real issue for me, i have a stubborn pouch!!! (I am not over exaggerating when I say pouch by the way, you can not see my abs really much, very very slightly in my upper abs but thats about it, the middle and lower is non-existent and my stomach could definitely use an inch or two or three less than what is now) I guess you could say I'm in that "losing the last 5 lbs" phase It's all really from eating unhealthy and going through phases of binge drinking and eating vicariously. Anyhow, I've been using MFP on and off for about 5 months and the reality of it is that I have times where I have seen some improvement then other times where I have seen nothing. My real question is has anyone had success reaching their goals without counting calories? or has anyone had success losing the last 5lbs on MFP. I feel as though I am in a place in my life where I enjoy eating healthy and I know what things are good for me and eating healthy now is more a habit for me than anything else. I do live with roommates and am away at college and so I have been more cautious about what i eat than ever before and my family back at home cooks healthy for the most part so I don't really the issue of being constantly surrounded by bad tempting food and I have also extremely reduce my alcohol intake and do not feel the need to heavily drink every weekend like i had in the past. To some extent I think i am setting my calorie intake on MFP too low which whether im losing weight or not, is not a good thing because I might get a rebound effect once I lose all the weight then go back to eating without counting calories. Another thing is about once or twice a month I go on a crazy binge where I eat too much and not drink enough water and instead of drinking water I continue to eat and then my stomach becomes really bloated and hurts and I feel guilty and always tell myself I won't do it again! But anyway, I do not want to spend the rest of my life counting calories and worrying about how much kCal everything is because I find it to be way too stressful especially when I am out for dinner or going to parties and events. I do not want to ignore good eating habits, If i go to dinners I want to be able to control myself and not finish a portion made for two or go back for seconds and then worry about putting all of the calories into an app to see where I stand, I do not think that is a way to live life; I want to be able to live a healthy lifestyle eating right and still lose weight without making it feel I am doing it for an app.

Also what are some peoples success in weight training and cardio? I've been doing a lot of bodyweight weight training lately since I am away at school I do not have my gym at home in my house and sometimes the gym on campus can be a bit overwhelming, but i do go to the gym to use the treadmill and the elliptical when I do cardio 4 times a week.


  • EpsilonGamma
    I lost 10lbs with calorie counting, IF and lifting weights.

    Check my profile and click my blog.

    Happy for you to add as friend and I'll help with questions
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    I don't personally know anyone with visible abs who doesn't do some form of calorie maintenance combined with lifting weights.