is anyone else scared to weigh their self



  • BriTyler3
    BriTyler3 Posts: 110 Member
    Every weeks the same for me :(
    I tend to get afraid because if I put on a kg while I'm trying my hardest I lose all motivation and pig out because i get sad. lol

    when i do lose weight i get super mega motivated (like at the moment)

    so it's double edge sword for me :(

    Yes it's VERYYY disappointing to see nothin has changed but I refuse to give up because I know with time I'll b where I want to be
  • Charisma_Black
    Charisma_Black Posts: 87 Member
    I find alot of people do dread going on the scales. Although I feel that weighing is quite misleading and too many people rely on a set of digits on a scale whenever these digits can fluctuate due to different reasons.
  • BriTyler3
    BriTyler3 Posts: 110 Member
    My problem is I weigh myself too much!!!!! I need to put the scale where the monsters live! LOL. I weigh myself almost every morning and I know that if I don't see a change, I get upset. I KNOW THIS and I keep doing it.

    I really need to hide the thing....:(

    Oh yes youre obsessed lol , I actually look at my scale as if that is the monster lol
  • 1daylate1dollarshort
    Aunt Flo is scheduled to stop by today. So yes, I am scared to weigh myself this week. (Today is my normal weigh day)

    haha. I'm having that issue this week. I literally skip weighing myself until it's over, actually. I know the numbers will be high due to it, so I just (not very calmly, lol) wait it out.

    I just know that the higher number will make my heart sink.

    It's hard getting on the scale every single time, for me. I'm doing a bit of exercising this time, so I'm not as scared of it not moving so much. I took measurements.

    *takes deep breath, closes eyes, gets on scale, looks and-" story of my life.

    When I avoid the scale for months on end, I don't catch weight GAIN and then find out I've gained ten or so. I make myself get on that sucker once a week.

    I know this feeling so well though :/
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    You'll be fine :-) but remember, sometimes the scale doesn't move right away and it takes time. Don't get discouraged :-)
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    Starting weight, it is what it is, don't worry about it. It is a starting point and without feedback you wont have a clue how well your changes are working. That said be ready for negative feedback too because both are important. I see weight loss as mathematical game and will power. These bizarre diets that restrict a certain food or go way low on something I think are crap. Calorie deficit is a must and exercise will help immensely. It is also a good idea to give up really bad foods and replace with healthy choices. I gained three pounds yesterday (Sushi binge) and by tuesday I will have lost those three and another. I know its mostly high sodium water retention. Why, because I weigh myself and make changes based on what I see. You and I can both win this game! Just go for the slow and steady loss and know that there will be some increases but once in a while you get a big loss surprise.
  • garywarriner
    scales are a bit of a double edged sword anyway, especially if you are working out.
    a kilo of fat is more or less a litre in size yet a kilo of muscle is much smaller.
    indicators like clothes size and the tape measure is far more accurate.
    My overall body fat has gone down from 37% to 22% yet my weight loss doesn't reflect this I have been doing lots of exercise, and just looking at the definition of the muscle is all the motivation I need.
    My Advice - Don't be a slave to the scales unlike a camera they lie.
  • BriTyler3
    BriTyler3 Posts: 110 Member
    Starting weight, it is what it is, don't worry about it. It is a starting point and without feedback you wont have a clue how well your changes are working. That said be ready for negative feedback too because both are important. I see weight loss as mathematical game and will power. These bizarre diets that restrict a certain food or go way low on something I think are crap. Calorie deficit is a must and exercise will help immensely. It is also a good idea to give up really bad foods and replace with healthy choices. I gained three pounds yesterday (Sushi binge) and by tuesday I will have lost those three and another. I know its mostly high sodium water retention. Why, because I weigh myself and make changes based on what I see. You and I can both win this game! Just go for the slow and steady loss and know that there will be some increases but once in a while you get a big loss surprise.

    Thanks, that uplifted my spirits lol
  • BriTyler3
    BriTyler3 Posts: 110 Member
    You'll be fine :-) but remember, sometimes the scale doesn't move right away and it takes time. Don't get discouraged :-)

    Thanks for the support! I will continue no matter what