Trimming down and trying to get back to healthy diet

Hi, Just decided to get back on track, I have been slowly gaining weight for the last few years, partly due to a more sedentary life then I am used to and being too tired to fix good food. I live in Northern Maine and have a small farm that my husband and I have worked for many years. I worked in a hospital laboratory for 25 years and we decided the stress was not worth it so I quit and worked on the farm for the following 5 years until I lost my husband. I needed to go back to work so I decided to find a night job, I work 12 hour night shifts in a local hospital, traveling about an hour each way. The whole night thing has really rearainged the way I eat and not in a good way. I still have a lot of animals, a big garden, lots of flower gardens, and way too much to do during the day so my sleep is poor at best. Hoping to only work another 3-4 years before I retire and come back to the farm. I do lead an active life taking care of animals and doing all that needs to be done on a farm alone, but my eating habits have not been good over the last 6 years. So working toward what my weight was back then, hoping I will feel better all around.