Fat state of mind

highrise Posts: 147 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
Does anyone else - who has reached their goal, or approaching it - still have a 'fat mindset'?

I'm no longer overweight (for the first time in 30 years) and yet I forget! I look in the mirror and see a healthy and slim body, but my mind cannot accept that I don't *need* to look at the size 16 rail any more. I can actually go into any high street shop and try on clothes (well, within reason, I'm almost 6ft tall so that's another story lol)

How did you accept your weight loss?


  • although I am currently working towards dropping the 76lbs I lost a few years back, I did experience this even now. It was hard for me to accept myself being thin because all i knew was the big me & that's what made me feel comfortable. After a while I paid more attention to my clothing and that the fact that I had lost weight wasn't something that I should be ashamed of and trying to hide up. I think it takes time for you to adjust to it, after all as you said it's a mindset. You have to really believe that you deserve to be healthy and look great, and that that's something to be proud of. the same way you had to accept a healthy way of eating and exercise as a lifestyle so do you have to accept yourself. I had pictures of me in my room hanging up showing my transformation, as another way of getting used to the new me.Congrats on the loss, and wishing you a lifelong of healthiness
  • I was shocked looking at some old pictures the other day... I think I need to take some new ones to compare.
    Looking at pictures always seems to show me 'reality' whether I'm thin or on the big side of things.
  • Paige1108
    Paige1108 Posts: 432 Member
    I'm so there with you Highrise. I have no concept of my size. I still look at pants in my old size and think "this will fit me, this is the size I am". But of course they don't fit. Right now my pant size is the only thing that allows me to truly "believe" in what I've done for myself. I'm finding it a little freaky. I think once I've been this size for six months or so it will seem more real. But over all I know I look better and I definitely feel better, and that's the really important thing. Who knew success would be weird, great, but weird. :smile:
  • Sara2525
    Sara2525 Posts: 50 Member
    This has happend to me! I have gone from a size 12 to a 2 or 4 and when I go shopping now it amazes me the things I can actually wear now! I can shop in a lot of stores I never have before and it feels really good. When I pick up a larger size and look at it now, I can't believe I fit into it before, it looks so big! It's a great feeling to have!
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