The Insanity Workout?

Im starting it Monday.

How many calories does each workout burn? Ive tried it before and life got in the way and I want to try it again, but I remember it being hard to get through the whole workout, is that ok? Also what is every-ones thoughts on Shakology? Worth it?

Thank you!


  • PinkCoconut
    PinkCoconut Posts: 655 Member
    Insanity is NOT easy, that's for sure! I think completing it was one of the biggest accomplishments of my life! Ha! Calories per workout depend on the person but remember that the point of Insanity is to skyrocket your metabolism. This means that it's not the calories per WORKOUT that matter but the fact that it'll increase your total DAILY calories burned (which means, you'll burn a hell of a lot more).

    When it comes to the workouts, just do what you can. Try to do the whole thing, even if that means you take a TON of breaks (like I did) but if you truly can't, just do 20 minutes and work your way up. No biggie!

    I've been drinking Shakeology daily since October 2012 so I guess you could say that I think it's worth every penny! Ha! I haven't had this much energy since I was a kid!

    Feel free to friend me and pick my brain! I'd love to help!