Losing bodyfat without cardio or gym! Help please

Hi guys

Im 5'9, 64.5kg and got body fat of 26.5%

I want to reduce my bodyfat but I absolutely hate cardio and I currently do not go gym because I just don't enjoy the gym enviroment, Im way more likely to workout at home than I am at the gym.

What is the most effective way to lose bodyfat without cardio and without a gym? Ive got handweights of 2kg at the moment and planning to get heavier ones once they become easy.



  • ChriJMitch
    ChriJMitch Posts: 70 Member
    The easiest way to reduce bodyfat is by shifting your calorie sources from carbs to proteins, and cutting calorie intake (but by no more than 500 calories per day).

    You will want to calculate your BMR (base metabolic rate) (http://www.bmi-calculator.net/bmr-calculator/), and then subtract out a maximum of 500 calories per day. Any more and it will actually cause your body to enter "famine mode" and you will begin to store food sources as fats instead of processing them immediately when you eat a meal. You will want to make sure that you are getting these calories from micro and macro nutrient rich sources like veggies, nuts, skim milk and yogurts, lean meats, most fruits and SEVERELY cutting out empty calories such as starchy foods like white potatoes and potato chips, flours, breads, fried foods, most cheeses, sugary drinks (especially soda, possibly the worst thing you could drink), sweets, and alcohol.

    The same BMI will look different on different people based on where they are genetically inclined to store fats. This article does a good job of explaining BMI ranges for men and women with pictures:


    You will absolutely have to hit the gym to push below the 20% mark as a woman, but if you are looking to shed weight to make hitting the gym easier on your joints first, you can drop a significant amount of weight through strictly diet changes. Remember that muscle is the best way to lose weight, as it burns calories just sitting there by requiring higher calorie upkeep.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    eat less.
  • DargDog
    DargDog Posts: 40 Member
    I know you said you dont like cardio- but walking is the easiest "cardio" there is.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    Lots of things can count as cardio, like playing a sport (basketball, soccer, anything with a lot of movement) or even dancing. Your body will benefit from some cardio.

    Regardless, the absolute bare necessity is to create a calorie deficit: consume fewer calories than you expend. You can find out your resting metabolic rate from this or many other websites. That will tell you approximately how many calories your body burns without you doing anything. When you do stuff, you burn more calories. Eat less than that, and your body will start using stored fat as fuel. Then you lose the weight. It really is as simple as calories in vs. calories out unless you have some sort of rare metabolic disorder.
  • vypressme
    vypressme Posts: 228 Member