Maintaining leg strength with a walking boot

Hey everyone! So I was an idiot and between doing Jillian Michaels videos barefoot for 2 months, walking in Vegas in flip flops, and trying to twist and push my ace-bandaged wrapped foot into a shoe, I have torn the peroneal tendon in my right foot from the midfoot and up and around the ankle. I'm not a great patient and kept walking on it and apparently I'm super lucky I didn't rupture it and require surgery. So now I am stuck in a knee high walking boot for minimum 3 weeks. My orthopod said that if I actually listen to him and wear the boot every time I put weight on my foot, ideally I'll be back to running and strength training in 4-6 weeks. Fingers crossed!

Anyways, I really don't want to stop working out for 3 weeks. I understand needing to let my foot rest, but I accomplished a lot in the past few months and don't want to backslide. Plus, we recently bought a weight bench and I'm itching to use it! I know I can do arms and abs. My question is - are there any leg exercises that I can do in a walking boot??? With the boot I have no right ankle range of motion and I need to keep weight off that foot anyways. The weight bench we have does have the contraption to do leg extensions (but not hamstring curls). Is there anything else at all that I can do, especially for glute strength? (I miss squatting).

Again, I know I need to rest it and that that is more important than a few weeks of lifting. I just don't want to be sedentary during these weeks and lose what I've gained.



  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    it's 3 weeks. read your first paragraph 6x in a row and try to learn a lesson from it. stop pushing yourself and let yourself rest and heal. you screw this injury up and next time you'll be out for 3 months, not 3 weeks
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    I'm with Davpul on this...

    what about swimming?