Do I need a goal?

Does everyone have a goal?
Long term or short term?
How important are they to you?
I am working on losing weight and exercising and eating healthy and obviously would like the scale to take a huge dip but I don't have exact goals...
If I had to be honest, I think I am a little afraid to set some in fear of failure.


  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    I set fitness goals for myself, I've also challenged myself to never go 1 day without a yummy treat and continue to lose. Short term and long term, they are extremely important to me as it gives me something to strive towards.

    I don't set weight related goals, for example I want to drop 20 lbs in 3 months etc.. weight will fluctuate so I would rather have goals that make me push myself harder.

    Set goals with a plan to get there and then push yourself to reach that goal and be better than you were yesterday.

    Good luck
  • Chezzie84
    Chezzie84 Posts: 873 Member
    I have mini goals... I divided my total goal into 4 and they are my mini goals.
    It seems less daunting aiming for 19lb than 76lb. I reach my first mini goal today and it feels great.

    Use your fear of failure to make sure you don't.
  • NianMaya
    NianMaya Posts: 108
    My goal is to get back in my pre baby clothes but I realize this is a journey that involves eating less and healthier choices.

    I would suggest that you start small with the goal and let the loss of weight and inches motivate you. Good luck and you can do it~
  • willdob3
    willdob3 Posts: 640 Member
    Goals can be helpful if you set achievable ones like eating a speciific way, doing specific exercise, etc. You know that you can achieve them by doing specific things.

    Goals like reaching a certain weight by such & such date are bad because there is no way you can be certain of achieving a goal like that. You can do everything right & still not have the scale reflect the magical number you picked.
  • buzzardsrule
    buzzardsrule Posts: 182 Member
    I'm also setting mini-goals. I will have a non-food treat every time I lose 5 pounds. I find it easier than thinking of the 50 pounds I want to lose.
  • tmm_0127
    tmm_0127 Posts: 545 Member
    My main goal is to just be healthy. A lot of preventable conditions run in my family, and it's my goal to avoid developing them as I age.
  • salvationsdying
    salvationsdying Posts: 205 Member
    My overall goal is 120 pounds. I'm almost 20 in. I gave myself mini goals. Daily is just to stay under my calorie goal, weekly is to work out at least 3 times. And from there the next goal is to fit my pre-baby clothes (only 30 pounds till then). Then to fit into a pair of jeans my grandma gave me before she passed away. (I'm only 24...I have however been holding on to these jeans hoping to fit then since I was like 16...they say size 18, which is what I wore then. But they were way to small). I don't have dates or time lines I want it done in. I figure it will come off when its ment to. Just keep working towards it. I figure within 2 years I should be where I wanna be. If it happens before awesome but I'm not gonna get my hopes up
  • staceybeee
    staceybeee Posts: 28 Member
    Thanks everyone!
    Some really good advice.
    Time to set up some reasonable non food/weight specific goals :)
  • krawhitham
    krawhitham Posts: 831 Member
    Yes. Though my ultimate goal is to weigh 125 lbs, I realize that's not necessary for ultimate health.

    I have non weight goals - like running 8 miles non stop and doing a pull-up. Or... doing several pull-ups!

    I do little things every day that get me closer to these mini goals. I know that getting on the elliptical, or running a mile outside, will get me closer to running 8 miles non stop - so I do that at least 4-5 times a week. I know that using the pull up bar in my house and doing reverse pull ups, and other exercises, will get me stronger to be able to eventually pull myself up every day, so I usually use it every day for some small upper body exercise.

    I need goals because simply having a goal of weighing a certain amount is meaningless to me. It means that I'll fit smaller jeans and I won't have rolls when I sit down, but that doesn't mean much if I have no strength and I can't run (because I love to run)

    Once December rolls around I'll be making new goals, mostly revolving around yoga. I'll try to do it every day and improve my strength and flexibility in that way. Even once I meet my weight goal, I hope to always achieve new fitness goals!