Hello from KY

Hi I am Jael, I am trying to love 120 lbs I've lost about 50 on my own and 11 on MFP. I am a mom of 6 boys and back in college and a CPR instructor and.... ok enough ands basically I am really busy! I need ideas and motivation especially when I am tired, grumpy, and just want fast food!


  • rustyroof
    rustyroof Posts: 76
    Plan, Plan, Plan !

    Ive tried so many ways to loose the weight and my fall down was always I never planned. I have everything in my mobile now its always beeping, eat, drink, swim, sleep, eat, physio etc


    I have a very hetic work schedule so I never have a set meal time or exercise time and I always fall into the trap of not doing what I should be doing.

    Every time my phones bleeps now I have to do what it says as I feel guilty.

    Worth a try ???