calorie counting

if i go over a little over my calorie count is that gonna prevent me from losing any weight?


  • MBrothers22
    MBrothers22 Posts: 323 Member
    Not ANY weight but whatever your goal per week to lose is you will lose less than that.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    Depends on how much over you go.
    If say your set to lose 1 lb per week and go over by say 200 calories, then you will still lose weight it just won't be the full 1lb. On the other hand, if you went over your budget by 500 everyday for the week, then you would maintain your weight.

    For 1lb per week loss, you need to have a deficit of 3500 calories for the week. So here is an example of how that could work out:
    Monday - 500 calorie deficit + 100 calories under goal = 600 calorie deficit for day
    Tuesday - 500 calorie deficit - 300 calories over goal = 200 calorie deficit for day
    Wednesday- 500 calorie deficit - 0 calories (not over or under goal) = 500 calorie deficit for day
    Thursday - 500 calorie deficit + 50 calories under goal = 550 calorie deficit for day
    Friday - 500 calorie deficit -25 calories over goal = 475 calorie deficit for day
    Saturday - 500 calorie defict + 150 calories under goal = 650 calorie deficit for day
    Sunday - 500 calorie deficit + 25 calories under goal = 525 calorie deficit for day
    Total deficit for the week = 3500 calories ( 1lb loss)

    On the other hand if you could also end up with something like this:
    Monday - 500 calorie deficit + 100 calories under goal = 600 calorie deficit for day
    Tuesday - 500 calorie deficit - 500 calories over goal = 0 calorie deficit for day
    Wednesday- 500 calorie deficit - 0 calories (not over or under goal) = 500 calorie deficit for day
    Thursday - 500 calorie deficit + 50 calories under goal = 550 calorie deficit for day
    Friday - 500 calorie deficit -750 calories over goal = no deficit 250 calories over maintance for day
    Saturday - 500 calorie defict + 50 calories under goal = 550 calorie deficit for day
    Sunday - 500 calorie deficit + 25 calories under goal = 525 calorie deficit for day
    Total deficit for the week = 2475 calories (about 0.7 lb loss)
  • Meushichan
    Meushichan Posts: 82 Member
    Think more weekly then daily. Usually if I go over, I add in 15 minutes of mod walking, and of course just make sure to do better tomorrow. :)