How long did it take?



  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    I started at the end of June 2013 at 170 lbs, after my 6 week postpartum check up. I went in with the mindset just to lose weight but actually came to love weightlifting. It took me 9 months to lose 55 lbs. It was more of a mental battle than anything. There were weeks I didn't lose. The hardest was the beginning, when I felt like nothing was happening. I just kept taking weekly pictures and sticking to the program. I found a sustainable deficit and learned how to eat in moderation. Now, I'm working on doing my first bulk and continuing my love of lifting. I think it's important to find a sustainable method that you enjoy both in your diet and in your fitness in order to push through and succeed.
  • nh38318
    nh38318 Posts: 124 Member
    I started September 2013. I have lost 38lb so far, i originally wanted to lose weight for a cruise Im going on in 4 weeks time. I have 4lb to go till I get to 11 stone which I was aiming for. Now im nearly there I am seriously considering aiming for 10 stone! Its my way of life now so I dont see why I cant attain 10 stone.

    I exercise most days and have started running since the New Year and am currently running at least 2 miles a day. I love it and cant believe the change in my mindset this time round. I have the quote " Im on the scenic route this time to my destination and not the quick fix route".

    Good luck on your journey!
  • Nissi51
    Nissi51 Posts: 381 Member
    100lbs - one year
    30lbs - last year took me 9 months
    10lbs - working on it now.. seems like forever!!!

    Advice - be consistent, weight train, get educated around nutrition and then practice a whole lot of PATIENCE!
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    That's a pretty broad question, as everyone will be different. It took me a year to lose 21 lbs , but I weigh 135. Someone heavier may be able to lose more quickly. It all depends on the person and their goals.

    yes, everyone loses differently. I been losing weight since August 13th, 2013 and still have more to go. I started noticing a difference after losing my first 10%.
  • fourthirty
    fourthirty Posts: 6 Member
    I started in 2012 and I lost 72 lbs the first year, 35 this past year, and I have about 30-40 to go. The first year was easy but I think that was because I was much heavier and had a lot more weight to lose. I wish I would've gotten my eating more on track (I was still losing weight even though I was eating junk) because I didn't really learn the importance of my diet. The best tip I can provide is to constantly remind yourself of the reason you started, whatever that reason may be.
  • bethanytapp
    bethanytapp Posts: 79 Member
    It took me 10 months to loose 60 pounds.... from 216 to 156. I started strong, plateaued for about 2 months and then since the end of November have just been dropping the weight 1-2 pounds a week. Once I hit my groove it seemed easy and the reward of seeing the scale move in the right direction and needing to buy new clothes was worth it.

    How did I get through? I talked a bunch of my friends into joining mfp and we encourage one another online and in person.
  • oiseau17
    oiseau17 Posts: 142 Member
    It took me six months to lose my first 60 lbs and it has taken me eight months to lose the last 20lbs. I'm on my last 8 lbs I'd like to lose and it's slow going, but I'm alright with that. My advice, be determined because it'll get you through all the days when you've lost your motivation.
  • _cdaley
    _cdaley Posts: 79 Member
    Lost 20lbs 4 years ago after gaining it due to turning to food to cope with an unhealthy romantic relationship. It took about 6 months. I didn't count calories but I definitely watched what I ate and exercised very regularly. I maintained this weight and lost a bit more (4-5 lbs) over the next 3 years.

    Joined MFP 2 days ago to help lose that same 20 lbs that I regained in the last year- again after turning to food to cope with a horribly stressful work environment. I have been exercising more regularly since I changed jobs (including working out 2x a week with a personal trainer) but I haven't been losing weight so I am giving counting calories a try. I didn't need it when I was 21 but now that I am a few years older I'm sure my metabolism has slowed down a bit.
  • cwrig
    cwrig Posts: 190 Member
    30lbs in 3 months. Started Dec 22, 2013. Have 70lbs to go; and Im sure it will slow down from here on out. But I didnt put the weight on overnight; so Im ok with it taking a year or 2 to come off. I dont want to diet. I want to eat healthy the rest of my life.
  • infinitevast
    infinitevast Posts: 875 Member
    11 weeks. I started January 6th of this year and lost 34 pounds so far.