New Chick on Campus

Hi, everybody. Just started here on MFP and I'm trying to figure out all the bells and whistles. I hope you'll come by and introduce yourself and let me know how I can be of support to you. My profile says it all, but feel free to ask questions, too. We're all in it together!


  • You will do great! Ater the 1st month you will feel like a different person just eating right and working out. This Is the best I have felt In so long. I also used to do pain pills and never felt the best that I should. Now Im off them and MFP and me doing the hard work has changed everything for me and I hope It does the same for you. :) GOOD LUCK!
  • Steelytop
    Steelytop Posts: 145 Member
    Hello and welcome! I think you'll find great success here. You're already well on your way. I topped out at 308 lbs in June and here I am! It's working for my wife and I and I'm quite sure it'll work for you. MFP is my new best friend. And we've already invited our newest bf to live in our house for life if you know what I mean. ;)

    Good luck and best wishes!
  • blbond82
    Welcome. This site is great and so is the support from people.