Gained 10 lbs :(

Last year I lost 80 lbs and have been trying to work hard to keep it off but there have been some recent hiccups in my life like losing my dad to cancer, injuring myself and my 7 yr old daughter was diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder that will eventually leave her deaf and I have gained 10 pounds back and I'm still gaining. For some reason losing this 10 lbs seems way harder than the original 80. I just recreated my MFP account and could use some serious motivation


  • discobarbie1971
    discobarbie1971 Posts: 55 Member
    Don't under estimate the size of your hiccups.....serious life changing events that for obvious reasons have taken the focus off you and meant that your family have come first, healthy eating must have been the last thing on your mind.

    I lost my mom last year after a long illness and I found I gained a lot of weight whilst I looked out for my dad who didn't deal with her death very well at all. Dad is coping better now so my time and attention can go back to looking after me. There is no way I could have done mfp when we were hospital visiting for weeks.

    The good thing is you are looking at this after a 10lbs gain, not an 80lbs. Good luck! And I hope your daughter is coping and getting the best care possible.