now I'm too skinny?? wtf!!



  • wyattj99
    wyattj99 Posts: 454 Member
    After I lost 30 lbs I was told to stop cause of that same voodoo bull crap...I lost 40 more and ditch that friend.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    It's the change. You look different from what they expect you to look like.


    They really will get used to it. And it may be less awkward for them (not for you) to give you a backward compliment than a straightforward one. Some families are like that.
  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member
    Now the stomach remark was a little catty and I can see how that would come off as a jealous remark.

    The other family members may be concerned. Certain cultures, certain people have an ideal of what's too skinny so I'm not going to sit here and say all your family is just jealous. That's sounds ridiculous. lol

    They could be genuinely concerned. I know if my family members said that I wouldn't jump to a conclusion that they are jealous. Please, I'm loyal and love my family and do not think of them in that light.

    Now, your aunt and the other family member who made that stomach remark.... that's another story. lol

    I have been told by three different people I'm getting too skinny. One even went on my FB after I put on my status that I had a great workout.. "Poof!" lol.. He thinks if I lose anymore Ill disappear! LOL... Its funny to me. I don't take that as jealously. That's his opinion. lol

    A few other people have expressed that I should stop losing weight or why am I trying to lose weight as I'm fine where I am at. I explained to them what my goals were and that's that. Whether they understood isn't my problem. I did my part by educating them on what I'm trying to do.

    People are going to have their views of what they think is too skinny, too fat, thick, fit or whatever. But at the end of the day you got to just dock it off as ignorance because truly, more than likely, they do not get it.

    Thicker skin is required and confidence. You got the confidence and happy with yourself just have thicker skin and keep it pushing. People are always going to have their own opinions on everything. That's life.
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    Most people don't realize what a healthy weight looks like - we are so accustomed to seeing overweight, obese, and morbidly obese people walking around that we've forgotten what healthy looks like. Assuming you are eating healthfully and not over-restricting, it sounds like you are doing the right things. Your doctor will let you know if you are losing too much weight.

    P.S. I don't see any reason why you can't get a flatter stomach if you are willing to eat and work for it!
  • I_love_to_ride
    p.s. My wife is 5'3" and weighs 110 pounds. Poeple ask me if she is sick. I laugh and say no. Man, if only people ate and workout out like she does, they would look like her too.
  • seamonster1203
    seamonster1203 Posts: 118 Member
    Get used to it. all the fat people in my family think having ripped abs is unnatural and lifting weights is bad for you.
  • Amarallm
    Amarallm Posts: 17 Member
    Keep body composition in mind too. I am 5 feet tall also. I am very curvey. My Doctor doesn't want to see me below 130. Someone once told me that I should way between 105 and 115. I would not feel or look good at those weights.
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    And this is why you can't do this for anybody else.

    Too fat, too skinny, too fit, not fit enough, to bulky, too lean, blah, blah, blah.

    Every person you know is walking around with a "vision" of you, their own perspective of how they see you. And since many human beings don't deal well with change, anything you do to alter their vision can cause disruption.

    Bottom line, do you. Let the haters hate, you just sit back, laugh, and celebrate.
  • victoriahoyt
    victoriahoyt Posts: 2 Member
    Way to go! You should be very proud of yourself. Actually 115 pounds is not too skinny for someone who is only 5 pounds. Its just right. :) Family has a tendency to over react especially if they are not use to seeing you at your appropriate weight. As far as your stomach goes, you will need to do crunches. If your anything like me, I'm sorry to say you will have to do ALOT of them. I wish you the best and don't let others dictate how you should look. If you ask any dietician or look up a weight chart you are right on the money with your ideal weight. Sometimes it makes people look at themselves which causes them to feel guilty so they it is easier for them to say that your underweight instead of them being overweight. You go girl...
  • LadyHomestar
    LadyHomestar Posts: 16 Member
    You're not too thin, they're just jelly. I'm the same height and 112 lbs, and 100 is my goal (for right now).
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    People are going to have their views of what they think is too skinny, too fat, thick, fit or whatever.

    Yes, very true. One of my best friends lives several states, and hundreds of miles away from me. We last saw each other in August. We were on the phone recently and I told him that I've lost an additional 50 or so lbs since I last saw him. He was very surprised at my current weight, and the fact that I still have some pounds left to go. He's a couple inches shorter than me and said "Oh I thought at your height around 200lbs would be perfect for you".

    Nope. But that's not his fault for assuming that. I carry my weight visually very well when clothed, and I look "natural" at a bigger size. People just assume I'm a large framed, "big guy"; hell before I ever lost weight I too thought the same. They just don't realize that I'm actually a medium to almost small framed man who needs to go much lower than they imagine in order to be lean and to have the kind of look I want.

    Sure sometimes people are jealous, but sometimes people do genuinely just believe you look fine/good/appropriate at a larger size and simply did not picture you smaller than that.
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    Way to go! You should be very proud of yourself. Actually 115 pounds is not too skinny for someone who is only 5 pounds. Its just right. :) Family has a tendency to over react especially if they are not use to seeing you at your appropriate weight. As far as your stomach goes, you will need to do crunches. If your anything like me, I'm sorry to say you will have to do ALOT of them. I wish you the best and don't let others dictate how you should look. If you ask any dietician or look up a weight chart you are right on the money with your ideal weight. Sometimes it makes people look at themselves which causes them to feel guilty so they it is easier for them to say that your underweight instead of them being overweight. You go girl...

    She doesn't have to do a single crunch to get a flat stomach. Flat stomachs are a matter of continually lowering your body fat until enough of it is gone that you have a flat stomach.

    Crunches can help build your muscles so that they are more prominent once you cut the fat, but they will never help you get a flat stomach. Flat stomachs are made in the kitchen, not the gym.
  • ashleymariethom
    ashleymariethom Posts: 1 Member
    I also am 5'0, I weight about 104-105 and also want to be down to 100. 115 for 5 feet tall is not too skinny, it's a proper weight for your height. Don't listen to what people think of your figure, just eat and exercise and get to a weight that FEELS RIGHT for you. If you feel your best in years- then it's the right weight. If you feel fatigued and weak- then not so much.

    Trust your own judgment here!
  • jardimgirl
    jardimgirl Posts: 522 Member
    Thank you all very much xoxo
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    It doesn't sound too skinny. I am 5'3" and around 113lbs. What you are experiencing seems typical in Asian families. My DH gets the similar comments about being too skinny and sickly looking. It's best to just ignore them.
  • bigldesigns
    bigldesigns Posts: 102 Member
    I really dont understand the way people think...

    I'm 5'4 so to have a healthy BMI i would have been to be between 110 - 145lb
    but i decided to aim for 175 as a starting goal..

    When I was 260lb. I would say .. "I'm really fat .. i need to do something about it".. and my friends would respond.. "your not that Fat... look at them (and point out a 300lb+ person)" ... "you are fine the way you are"... "you are happy and that's what matters" ".

    So i finally start Loosing weight and eventually get down to 195lb (65lb down) and now I am hearing.. "dont loose any more.. you look great now" and "I think your obsessed with your weight loss" ... "be careful you don't get too skinny"

    How was I ever supposed to get motivated to get to a HELATHY weight.. when the people around me could not be supportive.. So I learnt.. Ignore the nay sayers and Thank goodness for my MFP Friends and their positive support..

    I think my friends just wanted me to stay the FAT friend that made them all feel better about themselves.. well NO MORE!! I'm aiming for healthy.. even if it means I need new RL friends!

    This is about making a healthier me.. and not about impressing my friends and family
  • krawhitham
    krawhitham Posts: 831 Member
    Stay strong! You're fine!

    I can't wait to hear someone say "Don't lose any more weight, you might disappear!"
    My response will be: "Good, then I won't have to deal with your ridiculous comments anymore!"
  • SephiraRose
    SephiraRose Posts: 775 Member
    Wow, congrats on your loss. And you have the right to be proud of your accomplishments hope others will see your strengths. Not sure why family members feel it's fine for them to be rude and unsupportive. Some people just aren't happy unless they are picking on others.
  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member
    Stay strong! You're fine!

    I can't wait to hear someone say "Don't lose any more weight, you might disappear!"
    My response will be: "Good, then I won't have to deal with your ridiculous comments anymore!"

    Good one! LOL

    If he says that again I will use that one! lol... Its all in fun to me though. I'm not mad at him. lol.. But I like that and will use it! LOL
  • raindawg
    raindawg Posts: 348 Member
    5'0 and 115lbs does not sound sickly skinny at all. I bet when you meet people that didn't know you before, too skinny would never cross their mind. People you know are comparing you to your former weight and they can't really reconcile the skinny you with the former you. I'd ignore the comments. I still get it occasionally and I'm far from too skinny.