New Here (Kind of)

ErinMcMom Posts: 228 Member
My name is Erin and I'm a 30 year old wife/mother of 2 girls/teacher from Canada.
I'm kind of new here. I lost 33 pounds with MFP about a year ago but unfortunately gained back 20 of those pounds. Now I'm looking to do it again (and more maybe)!

I never posted to the message boards in the past, so this is new for me, but I thought I might find some like minded individuals here that I could befriend so that we could support and motivate one another.

This time around I've got a Fitbit Zip too, which I've found really motivating.

So hello everyone, looking forward to taking this journey with some new friends! :)


  • kimberlymes
  • cyndel1964
    cyndel1964 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi! I m also new here (kind of). I used the data base to log meals and keep track of exercise about a year ago. I didn't post to the forum before and thought that maybe with support, I would do a better job of keeping the weight off. I had lost 35 pounds 5 years ago and have gained much of it back.
  • Missymak
    Missymak Posts: 6 Member
    Welcome back! This is my second time back also. I lost about 15 pounds and gained back 20 more. You can add me as a friend if you want.
  • toad_allyinlove
    toad_allyinlove Posts: 39 Member
    Welcome back! Add me if you like :)
  • Sakismom
    Sakismom Posts: 8 Member
    :wink: Hi Erin,

    The good news is you are back and you didn't let it get out of control. I have lost weight before and kept if off for a couple of years and then go back to my old habits and ways and it's funny how the weight I lost comes back and sometimes it brings friends (extra pounds) with it.

    I just started MFP today, I have counted points, done low fat, low carb, you name it... I find that logging what I eat and keeping my diet at 40% protein, 40% carbs and 20% fat works for me. If I limit myself to 20% fat I tend to eat a lot of "good for you" foods.

    If you want we can keep each other on track and help out with tips we find along the way.

    Good Luck with your adventure!
  • tiwipod
    tiwipod Posts: 8 Member
    Hi Erin and Ladies,
    I too am back after an indulgent hiatus that has seen me gain some old friends back!
    I am keen to get moving again and looking after myself again.
    I feel fat and tired, I cant fit into my lovely clothes and have lost the health plot a little, so I am really happy to read I am not alone in having another attempt!
    I kick off tomorrow and look forward to us all keeping each other company,