Down in the dumps

Feeling really depressed and down feel like I am
In a constant battle with myself to lose weight. I recently have put on 3 kilos and am struggling to lose it feeling so fat and unattractive and unworthy.


  • aworkoutroutine
    aworkoutroutine Posts: 195 Member
    It's a process, not a final destination. You'll always keep doing what you're doing (counting calories, eating healthfully, being active), so focus on that process and accomplishing that process alone.
  • amy_kee
    amy_kee Posts: 694 Member
    I can relate to your feelings. I feel that way some of the time. Of all the things I've tried, consistent exercise seems to help the most. It boosts your mood and feelings and goes toward helping with the weight. If you can get in a place where you are "into" eating healthy with the right foods and exercising daily, your feelings will improve even more. Don't try to fight it. Go with it and have a mindset where you are always looking for better ways of eating, and new interesting ways of getting more exercise. You will learn a lot and some of these behaviors will become more like habits that you enjoy participating in.
  • fercar3000
    fercar3000 Posts: 286 Member
    Dana , we all up and downs , don't let it get to you .... the scale seems to have a free will sometimes ... take pictures of yourself and take more in 30 days ... no matter what the scale says you wont believe the changes you are seeing... trust me !!
  • LisaFlag
    LisaFlag Posts: 22 Member
    You are more than your weight! It's good to keep trying but remember you are only human and like indulging from time to time. As long as you pick yourself back up and try again, that's what counts.