Hello Manchester mums! need 20 kilos minus by my birhday..

hello everyone!

My name is Kate, i am 35 years old and mum of 3 wonderful boys. I am tired of being fat and and i really WANT to loose 18 kilos by my birthday in July.
It is hard to handle 3 kids, full job and time to go to gym. Is anyone from South Manchester? I tried before many diets, lost 15-20 kilos and than back..:(
I am looking for support, for friends, i know i can't do it on my own. Any mums in the same situation? I d not know where to start from and how to handle it in order not to give up.

Have a lovely Sunday!:smile:


  • SpecialSundae
    SpecialSundae Posts: 795 Member

    Welcome! As someone who has lost around the weight you want to lose and not immediately bounced back up, can I make a few suggestions?

    1. Set a lower target for your birthday. To lose 18kg in less than 18 weeks is going to be tricky and it's much better to exceed targets than miss them.
    2. There's a reason your weight has bounced back up after previous diets. Don't repeat the same mistakes.
    3. Lift weights. Proper heavy weights. Look up Starting Strength, StrongLifts or New Rules of Lifting for Women and give it a go. You'll lose way more inches if you're losing fat and maintaining lean mass.
    4. Don't fall into the trap of aiming for 1200 calories a day. Calculate your TDEE and take 20% off it. I lost all my weight at 2000 calories a day because I'm active, most women need 1500+ calories.
  • jonnyman41
    jonnyman41 Posts: 1,032 Member
    I am from Lancashire and would agree with previous poster, 18k too much so set less but find time to strength train so that your body looks great any way
  • adhnana
    adhnana Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks a lot for the lovely advice, I had a look at the New Rules of Lifting for Women and ordered it already. i am trying a mix of WW, low carb and under 1200 as well. I intend to attend some aerobic classes as well. i will let you know my progress.

    Have a nice Sunday!