New member--need motivation!

Hi everyone!

I actually downloaded the MFP app almost 2 years ago after my first year of college but never really took advantage of it... Speaking of freshman year, between the partying and the dining hall buffets, I had gained 20 pounds by the time summer came around!! This was super shocking to me because I was very active in high school (competitive cheerleader). Fast forward to today and I have lost 12 of those pounds... but I still have 8 more to go. The biggest issue I struggle with is not having the motivation to eat healthy or to make myself go to the gym. I am taking a full course load this semester as well as interning part-time, so unfortunately, every free hour I get goes to sleep... not cooking a healthy meal or doing my Insanity workouts. However, swimsuit season is now here and I need to get bikini ready!

I started Insanity a week ago, and this time, I actually plan on making it past a couple weeks! I would really like for someone to help keep me on track as well as give me advice for nutrition and whatnot. I'm not too sure how this website works but if you are kind enough to be interested in keeping me accountable and helping me get back into shape, please message me or respond to this thread... thanks! :)


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    The nice thing is don't need motivation to workout or eat healthy...all you need is a calorie deficet.

    Granted working out/exercise is good for your health and your food choices will dictate what type of weight you lose (fat+muscle or mostly just fat) but at the same time if you just want the scale to go at a deficet.

    If you want to exercise and choose "healthy food" options we really can't motivate you...that's something that comes from within.

    I find when I exercise I have more energy, when I eat well I have more energy...
  • totaldebmove
    totaldebmove Posts: 10 Member
    Eating at a deficit is a lot easier if you are eating healthy foods and if you have a loss of calories from working out. It's also easier if you have people holding you accountable and motivating you along the way.

    Additionally, people can be extrinsically or intrinsically motivated so clearly I am looking for some extrinsic help to keep me on track since as a busy sleep-deprived college student, intrinsically, I would rather spend that extra time sleeping (as stated in my original post).