Eating Breakfast..



  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    Lord no, I'd probably end up killing people if I didn't eat breakfast. I absolutely have to eat something in the morning.
  • tfleischer
    tfleischer Posts: 199 Member
    Yes, but I know that logically eating something in the morning will get my metabolism running
    If your metabolism ever stops running you'll be dead
    Don't be so literal.
  • Kixshots
    Kixshots Posts: 74 Member
    I used to never have breakfast either (wierdly enough when I was overweight) i just had no appetite and the thought of eating made me feel sick , started off with a small breakfast and now I've never really gone without breakfast, I always wake up hungry, I think your body just gets used to it, plus eating some of your calories in the morning will leave you with less in the day (which may mean a smaller dinner making it more likely to wake up hungry? ) just my take.
  • mschicagocubs
    mschicagocubs Posts: 774 Member
    You don't need to eat breakfast. It is a myth that it is the "Most important meal of your day" maybe not a myth, but not proven.

    If you want to start eating your allotted calories at 1pm ... go for it. As long as you stay under.
  • JulsiePie
    JulsiePie Posts: 166 Member
    I've only been at this new healthy lifestyle for 2 weeks, but some days I eat breakfast, some days I don't. If I'm going to the gym in the morning, I eat because I'll feel sick if I don't put something in my stomach. But I usually eat something fairly low cal - boiled eggs, oatmeal, or a piece of toast with PB.
  • trybefan
    trybefan Posts: 488 Member
    I havent eaten breakfast in quite some time. This is my preference and I do not believe there is any added benefit unless you need it for blood sugar stabilization.
  • tfleischer
    tfleischer Posts: 199 Member
    Maybe these guys who actually do studies know a little more than me.

    From American Council on Exercise website
  • cookiealbright
    cookiealbright Posts: 605 Member
    I'm not hungry when i wake up either. I usually have a cup of coffee & then eat a little later. Just something small like a home made muffin (the size of a cupcake) , a couple cookies or a piece of PB&J toast.
  • EvanKeel
    EvanKeel Posts: 1,904 Member
    OK so I have never been a fan of breakfast, I'm never hungry in the morning and the thought of eating makes me gag! I have been to doing my best to force feed myself breakfast, but its difficult. Does anyone else have this problem, or have any tips to make eating in the morning easier??

    I was never fond of breakfast either until recently. I would really have to choke something down if I wanted to eat before working out in the mornings. The thought of eating after waking up made me ill. And really, I think this probably pretty normal. A few generations ago, in my family at least because they were farmers, people would wake up, do whatever chores for a few hours and then eat breakfast.

    Now, after being in a deficit for awhile, I find I do kind of wake up wanting something to eat. So I'll eat something quick and easily carried (e.g. the bagel I had this morning) and then have the bulk of my breakfast a few hours later.

    It's really just about what helps you control hunger and energy levels for the day. It's all individual preference that may or may not change for you over time.
  • RainbowMane
    I'm not usually hungry in the mornings either, but I find that if I have a little nutrition within an hour or two of waking up, I feel better all day long. I mix a scoop of Designer Whey protein powder with 1 cup of almond milk and a couple of ice cubes in a blender bottle. It's pretty good and it gets me started for the day. Sometimes I'll have a banana with it if I'm actually feeling hungry.
  • MomTo3Lovez
    MomTo3Lovez Posts: 800 Member
    Found this on WebMD :
    It makes sense: Eating early in the day keeps us from "starvation eating" later on. But it also jump-starts your metabolism, says Elisabetta Politi, RD, MPH, nutrition manager for the Duke Diet & Fitness Center at Duke University Medical School. "When you don't eat breakfast, you're actually fasting for 15 to 20 hours, so you're not producing the enzymes needed to metabolize fat to lose weight."

    Among the people she counsels, breakfast eaters are usually those who have lost a significant amount of weight. They also exercise. "They say that before having breakfast regularly, they would eat most of their calories after 5 p.m.," Politi tells WebMD. "Now, they try to distribute calories throughout the day. It makes sense that the body wants to be fueled."

    I know for me I don't have time to make breakfast in the mornings so I usually either have a protein shake or greek yogurt and then eat lunch and dinner as usual with a snack hear and there if I feel the need for something in between. And I have been drinking my water which helps from snacking too.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Does ANY food appeal to you first thing in the morning?

    I ask this because I am a breakfast person, but the idea of cold cereal or certain breakfast foods like bacon and sausage totally grosses me out in the morning. And "sweeter" breakfasts like waffles, pancakes, and even donuts are only tasty to me occasionally and on a weekend day when I'm eating around 9-10 AM instead of 6:30-7 AM on weekdays.

    I prefer an egg taco, veggie omelet, boiled egg & toast, oatmeal in some variation (like oatmeal muffin cups), Greek yogurt with some honey and/or nuts. Any of those with coffee.

    When I was a teenager I ate some very nontraditional breakfasts - mostly PB&J, canned peas, or leftovers including cold pizza. Sometimes with iced tea or soda. That's what sounded good to me. If it's important to you to start eating in the morning there's no law it's gotta be eggs, toast, etc. If you want cheese & crackers and some fruit, maybe go for it.
  • MomTo3Lovez
    MomTo3Lovez Posts: 800 Member
    I always eat breakfast because I know that your metabolism won't get started until you break the fast.

    No. Your metabolism only stops when you're dead. The effects on your metabolism are negligible at best. As long as you're eating at a deficit, you will lose weight. Meal timing has no effect on weight loss. Gym performance, yes, but not weight loss.

    I don't think that she meant that it stops and I found this on a fitness site:

    "Eating Breakfast Gives Your Metabolism a Boost

    Maintaining a good metabolism is an important part of long term weight loss. After a night without eating, your body is in a mild fasting state, as it would be if no food was available. If you don't eat until lunch time, that can be up to 18 hours without food. For the entire morning, instead of working at peak rates and burning off more calories, your body will be trying to conserve everything it can. Eating a healthy breakfast will speed up your metabolism and make it work harder. You would be better off cutting calories by eating smaller lunch and dinner meals than by cutting out breakfast. In fact, studies following people who have lost weight and kept it off for more than a year show that 80 percent of them include breakfast in their eating plans."
  • HerbertNenenger
    HerbertNenenger Posts: 453 Member
    A. You don't need breakfast.
    B. Drink a smoothie if you insist.
    C. Carry on

    ^^^^this. It's highly, repeat highly debatable that food has anything at all to do with metabolism in the first place. I never eat breakfast and I'm doing just fine at 70 lbs. lost in 9 months. When I eat breakfast I get hungrier during the day, so I don't eat it.
    I get hungry at around 11 or noon and that's when I eat. Forcing yourself to eat when you're not hungry is not normal. Who does that? First world issue only.
  • subsonicbassist
    subsonicbassist Posts: 117 Member
    I always eat breakfast because I know that your metabolism won't get started until you break the fast.

    No. Your metabolism only stops when you're dead. The effects on your metabolism are negligible at best. As long as you're eating at a deficit, you will lose weight. Meal timing has no effect on weight loss. Gym performance, yes, but not weight loss.

    I don't think that she meant that it stops and I found this on a fitness site:

    "Eating Breakfast Gives Your Metabolism a Boost

    Maintaining a good metabolism is an important part of long term weight loss. After a night without eating, your body is in a mild fasting state, as it would be if no food was available. If you don't eat until lunch time, that can be up to 18 hours without food. For the entire morning, instead of working at peak rates and burning off more calories, your body will be trying to conserve everything it can. Eating a healthy breakfast will speed up your metabolism and make it work harder. You would be better off cutting calories by eating smaller lunch and dinner meals than by cutting out breakfast. In fact, studies following people who have lost weight and kept it off for more than a year show that 80 percent of them include breakfast in their eating plans."
    Please stop posting this garbage, these are correlation studies and not credible. If you don't feel like eating in the morning, then DON'T!!! As long as you are hitting your calorie or preferably, your macro goals for the day, delaying breakfast does no harm to your body nor is it suboptimal. SOme people Intermittent Fast and only eat in a 4-8 hour a window, yet because their diet is on point they lose tons of weight. The human metabolism doesn't slow down noticeably until at least 72-96 hours in, and some studies have shown that metabolism is slightly increased after fasting for 16-24 hours. Not trying to be rude, but you don't have to believe all these studies that basically say "Because I do it, and I'm skinny, it is the only way or the best way to do it." That just isn't true :)
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    Yes, but I know that logically eating something in the morning will get my metabolism running
    If your metabolism ever stops running you'll be dead


    Your metabolism doesn't go to sleep just because you do. Breakfast is just another meal, eat it if you feel like it, if not, don't bother.

  • MomTo3Lovez
    MomTo3Lovez Posts: 800 Member
    I always eat breakfast because I know that your metabolism won't get started until you break the fast.

    No. Your metabolism only stops when you're dead. The effects on your metabolism are negligible at best. As long as you're eating at a deficit, you will lose weight. Meal timing has no effect on weight loss. Gym performance, yes, but not weight loss.

    I don't think that she meant that it stops and I found this on a fitness site:

    "Eating Breakfast Gives Your Metabolism a Boost

    Maintaining a good metabolism is an important part of long term weight loss. After a night without eating, your body is in a mild fasting state, as it would be if no food was available. If you don't eat until lunch time, that can be up to 18 hours without food. For the entire morning, instead of working at peak rates and burning off more calories, your body will be trying to conserve everything it can. Eating a healthy breakfast will speed up your metabolism and make it work harder. You would be better off cutting calories by eating smaller lunch and dinner meals than by cutting out breakfast. In fact, studies following people who have lost weight and kept it off for more than a year show that 80 percent of them include breakfast in their eating plans."
    Please stop posting this garbage, these are correlation studies and not credible. If you don't feel like eating in the morning, then DON'T!!! As long as you are hitting your calorie or preferably, your macro goals for the day, delaying breakfast does no harm to your body nor is it suboptimal. SOme people Intermittent Fast and only eat in a 4-8 hour a window, yet because their diet is on point they lose tons of weight. The human metabolism doesn't slow down noticeably until at least 72-96 hours in, and some studies have shown that metabolism is slightly increased after fasting for 16-24 hours. Not trying to be rude, but you don't have to believe all these studies that basically say "Because I do it, and I'm skinny, it is the only way or the best way to do it." That just isn't true :)

    It was a little rude in the beginning but that's ok, and the only way we learn is to post stuff that you think is true to be told that it isn't, so thank you for the info :smile:
  • bachampion04
    bachampion04 Posts: 137 Member
    As of late I'm never erally hungry for breakfast but i do want to get my metabolism kicked off in the morning.

    So i eat something really really light, whether a granola bar or a piece of fruit.

    - James
  • ovi212
    ovi212 Posts: 145 Member
    I actually find eating a large breakfast makes me hungrier. I'd rather have a minimal breakfast to get me by and then eat more at night when I'm really hungry. I have a banana or a 50cal greek yogurt or 1/2 c egg whites. Sometimes I'll have the yogurt and egg whites if I'll need a lot of energy before lunch.
  • rachrach7595
    rachrach7595 Posts: 151 Member
    I don't eat breakfast, I never have. I also find if I eat before midday I am starving the rest of the day.
    Have lost weight consistently for 8 weeks so far. I can't see me force feeding myself breakfast any time soon.