Eating too little? Not Exercising Enough? Why now?

From January of last year to September I lost 20 lbs and was on a role! Then over the winter/ holidays I gained 10 lbs. I quickly lost them and am almost at my weight that I was in September. However, I haven't lost ANY weight since mid- February, and boy it's discouraging. I had trained myself to eat 1200 calories a day and I run 3 miles a day around 5 days a week, and on the other days engage in other cardio such as dance or taking a long walk. Just recently I have given in to the many suggestions to up my caloric intake of 1500 calories a day, but I still burn around 400 to 500 calories a day! I have gotten so discouraged and don't know what to do! I log my eating and exercising but can see no answer. I need HELP! Prom is in 40 ish days, and last year I thought I would be around 145 by now.... I am 157 and 5'9".


  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    You're exercising plenty. Don't overdo it. If you're having a hard time eating enough, get a spoonful of peanut butter. High in protein and calories. Also, weight loss isn't linear. I didn't see the scale move for two weeks once, and then I lost two pounds out of nowhere. Don't get discouraged, stay in a sensible deficit, and be patient. Good things come to those who wait!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    As mentioned weight loss is not linear...I personally have gone 4 weeks with little to no weight happens.

    But that being said do you weight your food and log everyting accurately????

    You said you you eat back all of those calories?
  • MB2MN
    MB2MN Posts: 334 Member
    So you're netting 1000? That doesn't seem like enough at all. Make sure that you are logging properly first, then find out what your TDEE is and do a sensible cut (maybe 15%).
  • SpencersHeart
    SpencersHeart Posts: 170 Member
    Are your clothes fitting any differently? Try using a tape measure .

    I found that I hadn't lost weight for a couple of weeks when I weighed myself on a scale, but the tape measure showed I was losing inches around my hips and waist.

    Worth a check I think :smile:
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    I am assuming that since you mentioned prom that you are still in high school. So I won't give you advice other than maybe you should consider a site that is designed specifically for someone your age. As a teenager your needs are somewhat different than most people on MFP.

    I looked up your TDEE (total amount of energy needed to cover your daily expenditure).

    Female....5'9...157lbs...and I estimated your age to be 18. I also used a moderate level of exercise.

    Your TDEE (using Fitnessfrog was 2435 cals a day.

    To lose 1lb a week your intake should be around 1900. One pound a week however is too high for someone that is not only your age but close to your goal weight.

    To lose a 1/2lb a week...which is much safer and healthier for your circumstances...your calorie intake about 2200.

    If that is you in your will look beautiful at your prom...whether you weigh 145 or 157. Have fun that night but stay safe.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    I am assuming that since you mentioned prom that you are still in high school. So I won't give you advice other than maybe you should consider a site that is designed specifically for someone your age. As a teenager your needs are somewhat different than most people on MFP.

    I looked up your TDEE (total amount of energy needed to cover your daily expenditure).

    Female....5'9...157lbs...and I estimated your age to be 18. I also used a moderate level of exercise.

    Your TDEE (using Fitnessfrog was 2435 cals a day.

    To lose 1lb a week your intake should be around 1900. One pound a week however is too high for someone that is not only your age but close to your goal weight.

    To lose a 1/2lb a week...which is much safer and healthier for your circumstances...your calorie intake about 2200.

    If that is you in your will look beautiful at your prom...whether you weigh 145 or 157. Have fun that night but stay safe.

    This!!!! Everything I was thinking!!!! Just listen to this and have fun at your prom. If that's you in your picture, you look just fine.
  • jmv7117
    jmv7117 Posts: 891 Member
    From January of last year to September I lost 20 lbs and was on a role! Then over the winter/ holidays I gained 10 lbs. I quickly lost them and am almost at my weight that I was in September. However, I haven't lost ANY weight since mid- February, and boy it's discouraging. I had trained myself to eat 1200 calories a day and I run 3 miles a day around 5 days a week, and on the other days engage in other cardio such as dance or taking a long walk. Just recently I have given in to the many suggestions to up my caloric intake of 1500 calories a day, but I still burn around 400 to 500 calories a day! I have gotten so discouraged and don't know what to do! I log my eating and exercising but can see no answer. I need HELP! Prom is in 40 ish days, and last year I thought I would be around 145 by now.... I am 157 and 5'9".

    removed due to OP's age
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    From January of last year to September I lost 20 lbs and was on a role! Then over the winter/ holidays I gained 10 lbs. I quickly lost them and am almost at my weight that I was in September. However, I haven't lost ANY weight since mid- February, and boy it's discouraging. I had trained myself to eat 1200 calories a day and I run 3 miles a day around 5 days a week, and on the other days engage in other cardio such as dance or taking a long walk. Just recently I have given in to the many suggestions to up my caloric intake of 1500 calories a day, but I still burn around 400 to 500 calories a day! I have gotten so discouraged and don't know what to do! I log my eating and exercising but can see no answer. I need HELP! Prom is in 40 ish days, and last year I thought I would be around 145 by now.... I am 157 and 5'9".

    That would indeed be discouraging :grumble: I have read that it is difficult to lose weight if you are a runner because your body adapts to it. I've been working on increased fitness and weight loss since last November and have not allowed my weight to plateau. I weigh daily so every time I didn't see the scale move or measurements change within a one week period, I did a bit of tweaking. I exercise daily including a 10,000 step goal. I'd add a different exercise or adjust the length of exercise session. I adjusted my macros from 50:30:20 to 40:30:30 which did make a difference almost immediately. I really pay attention to getting 90g to 100 g of protein daily which also makes a difference. I recently added kettlebell training which burns a lot of calories in a short period of time. I also dropped my calories for a day to just over 1,200 which seemed to give a quick boost to continued weight loss. During the week I eat about 1,450 calories with a high exercise burn eating some of the calories back. On the weekends, I eat about 1,550 calories with a low exercise burn eating most of the calories back. Both sodium and sugar cause water gain. I normally eat lower levels of these anyway but you might find reducing either will show on the scales. These are things that have worked for me so you could try one or more to see if they help to break your plateau.

    I would normally not respond to a post such as this...but...

    Since she has a prom to attend in a couple of months I have to assume that she is a teenager still in high school.

    First...runners have no more trouble losing weight than anyone else. If they burn more calories running than what they consume they will lose weight just as anyone else will.


    What does happen as to what happens to all of us that have exercise regimes...our bodies adapt unless we increase the intensity or resistance. We still burn calories...but not at the same rate as when we first started. Nor do we derive the same benefits. I could go in further depth but honestly...

    Also (if my assumptions are right about the OP) you have suggested to her to try a 1200-1550 diet. Also on the macros...they are different for a teenager than for someone older...she is still developing.

    On top of all of her height...she is already at mid point of a healthy weight range. She does not need to try a 1200 nor a 1550 calorie diet.

    Oh well...carry on...
  • jmv7117
    jmv7117 Posts: 891 Member
    From January of last year to September I lost 20 lbs and was on a role! Then over the winter/ holidays I gained 10 lbs. I quickly lost them and am almost at my weight that I was in September. However, I haven't lost ANY weight since mid- February, and boy it's discouraging. I had trained myself to eat 1200 calories a day and I run 3 miles a day around 5 days a week, and on the other days engage in other cardio such as dance or taking a long walk. Just recently I have given in to the many suggestions to up my caloric intake of 1500 calories a day, but I still burn around 400 to 500 calories a day! I have gotten so discouraged and don't know what to do! I log my eating and exercising but can see no answer. I need HELP! Prom is in 40 ish days, and last year I thought I would be around 145 by now.... I am 157 and 5'9".

    I would normally not respond to a post such as this...but...

    Since she has a prom to attend in a couple of months I have to assume that she is a teenager still in high school.

    First...runners have no more trouble losing weight than anyone else. If they burn more calories running than what they consume they will lose weight just as anyone else will.


    What does happen as to what happens to all of us that have exercise regimes...our bodies adapt unless we increase the intensity or resistance. We still burn calories...but not at the same rate as when we first started. Nor do we derive the same benefits. I could go in further depth but honestly...

    Also (if my assumptions are right about the OP) you have suggested to her to try a 1200-1550 diet. Also on the macros...they are different for a teenager than for someone older...she is still developing.

    On top of all of her height...she is already at mid point of a healthy weight range. She does not need to try a 1200 nor a 1550 calorie diet.

    Oh well...carry on...

    I just came back to re-read and saw the 'prom' that I missed when I made my reply of which I removed. The OP would be better helped on a site geared to teenagers.