New friends to start Insanity?

I'm getting ready to start Insanity this week (it should arrive in the mail by Thursday) and would love to add anyone who's also just getting started with it! I've heard it's a killer, so support from others who are doing it too would be awesome!!!


  • heyyy I done it for 3 weeks last year got brilliant results even after a short amount of time then Christmas got in the way!! I tried doing it again this year but couldn't find the motivation but would find it easier if I had others doing it to, so sure ill do it. Add me if you like :) x
  • Mtfd02
    Mtfd02 Posts: 239 Member
    started round two already but will be here for support!
  • kagevf
    kagevf Posts: 509 Member
    ugh ! i suck at it ! i will cheer you on though, hehehe!
  • alisalikeshugs
    alisalikeshugs Posts: 22 Member
    I'm starting insanity too! I'll add you so we can motivate each other :)
  • daneiel
    daneiel Posts: 42 Member
    I did insanity about a year and half go l'm currently doing T-25 about to start second round. l workout in the AM just not ready to get up 5 AM to go Insane:) but I can offer Shaun T support.

    No matter what happens just keep pushing play
  • lbrumsey
    lbrumsey Posts: 19
    Thanks, everybody! :happy: