First Day... frustrated

MesaMommy Posts: 1 Member
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hi! So this is my first on myfitnesspal. I hope that I can get used to this site quickly and really use it to help lose weight. I have been steadily gaining weight since I got my IUD put in. I have literally gained at least a 1lb a week since it's been put in. :( I have not changed anything, in fact I've started exercising and watching what I eat. And yet I gain, gain, gain! So I'm doing this to really step things up and see if I can lose weight with this frickin thing in! I do have an apt to get it removed on Oct. 12th. We'll see if it makes a difference.

Right now I'm 230lbs. :( I'm 5'11''. My goal is the weight is says on my drivers licence... 175.

I'm 25, and have two kids, ages 2 and 1. I weigh more now than I did at the end of my pregnancy.


  • Right now I'm 230lbs. :( I'm 5'11''. My goal is the weight is says on my drivers licence... 175.

    love it! mine says 182. welcome to mfp! we are both about the same height. you can do this!
  • VCStarr
    VCStarr Posts: 155
    First off welcome and congrats on taking the first step to a healthier you!
    Definitely look for an alternative contraception because it sound like the IUD is the wrong one for you. talk to your doctor about your conerns. Maybe he can suggest something.
    Now cut down your sodium to reduce your water weight gain, eat healthy and exercise regularly. You should be able to do it!
    I am on meds that cause me to gain weight as well but I've DRASTICALLY changed my eating and exercise and have been able to drop almost 18 pounds so far!
    This is a great site where everyone seems to be very helpful and supportive. I have yet to hear anything discouraging or mean here! :)
  • A lot of "eating better" consists of processed food and processed carbs. Almost 50 some carbs in a lean cuisine. NOT HEALTHY.
    Pay attention to the kinds of food you are eating. Exercise is good ALWAYS but also remember that muscle is more dense.
  • This is a great site. You'll get a lot of information, but more importantly you'll get a lot of support and encouragement! Good Luck! You will be successful!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    This is a great site for motivation and support - You will find a lot of friends here with similar goals and hurdles to get past. It is a great place to vent about your struggles, find really useful information on weight-loss, nutrition, fitness, and anything else and just generally a really supportive community. Welcome! And best of luck!
  • rolandhulme
    rolandhulme Posts: 148 Member
    Interesting about the IUD. My wife had one and we loved it at first, but she ended up developing a polyp or something (I'm not sure of the details - I kind of zone out when discussing lady bits) and she had it removed.

    I'll tell you one thing - when she was on the pill she was a totally different person. Currently she's not on any form of birth control and says she feels SO MUCH better for it. One of the reasons she picked the IUD in the first place was that it wasn't hormonal (she jokes she's hormonal enough already!)
  • Dear Friend, first be kind to yourself! I had a baby at 41 now I am 51.
    This site has really been a blessing to me because of the way it breaks
    things down for you. Like this morning, a plain sausage biscuit was almost
    half of my days worth of meals! It is very east to find out the truth about what
    you eat. My dietitian told me to not skip anything, just cut back. If the package
    says 2 cookies, then that is all I have. When we do without it does not bring us
    any comfort or joy. The IUD does have some medication in it. You can call your
    doctor for some advice. Having your babies can be a great adventure during
    this time of losing weight. I just know you can do this with me. Try to give it a
    week and just see. I have messed up to but I want to be honest with myself.
    Remember we are our worse enemies. Turn it around and be the very best
    cheerleader you can be to yourself!! I am cheering for the both of us, ok!!
  • jodieunited
    jodieunited Posts: 112 Member
    im 5ft 10, and weigh 150lb i wanna get bk to bein 136lb, finding it hard not to eat rubbish, im a real picky eater.
    all i live off are carbs as in potatos and pasta, i dont like many fruits or vegs. and dont really eat meat xcept chicken...... :(
    anyone know any ways of getting more fruits n veg without just eating them plain? if that makes sense lol
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