Should I cut back after a weekend excess?

Hi, I've worked out my BMR & TDEE and am trying to keep my cal intake to -20% of TDEE. I am set at sedentary and use Endomondo to sync exercise cals straight in and eat nearly all of them back. I'm still new at all this, having just come back to MFP.

I went away to stay with friends this weekend and did no exercise yesterday other than some walking cals. I managed to overeat (and drink!) by more than 1200 cals. I don't mind too much as it was a special weekend, but ideally I would rather not gain weight this week.

What should I do? Just move on as normal, up the exercise cals or create more of a cal intake deficit over the next few days?

Any advice welcome!

Lucy x


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Yah I would just treat the new day as just that...because in reality those 1200 calories over a week are just 200 a day...and that is just over goal not actual instead of 1lb weight loss you might have 1/2lb or 3/4lb...
  • Utahgirl12
    Utahgirl12 Posts: 172 Member
    Thanks SexySteph. So is a bigger loss completely out of the question? Is there any way I could make say a 2 pound loss by weigh in on Thursday evening?
  • Utahgirl12
    Utahgirl12 Posts: 172 Member
    Anybody? Please?
  • I too went over my cals yesterday, and woke up this morning hating myself. I would limit myself an extra 100-200 cals a day, but that's just me.
  • Cath_Taylor
    Cath_Taylor Posts: 104 Member
    I wouldn't worry. Chalk it up to a higher than normal day (you're allowed occasional blips). The key is staying on track. I personally wouldn't undercut the day after as that leads my brain down the yo-yo route... so I just restart again as usual.
  • Utahgirl12
    Utahgirl12 Posts: 172 Member
    Thanks guys
  • beautifulwarrior18
    beautifulwarrior18 Posts: 914 Member
    Keep it as a normal day and hit the gym.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Thanks SexySteph. So is a bigger loss completely out of the question? Is there any way I could make say a 2 pound loss by weigh in on Thursday evening?

    2lb a week is an unhealthy rate actually...if you lose to fast it is typically due to too low calories and you will lose fat and muscle together...
  • Utahgirl12
    Utahgirl12 Posts: 172 Member
    Thanks Sexy Steph. I guess I'm just programmed to want the 2lb a week loss.....and just get this bloody weight off ASAP. I do understand what you are saying though, hard as it is!

  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    call it what it is (a weekend of indulgence) and move on. we all do it from time to time. a new day a new attitude. :) we all want to loose weight fast but if we could all loose it fast and keep it off for good we wouldn't need places like mfp. :) keep in mind too you didn't gain it fast either. slow and steady finishes.
  • Utahgirl12
    Utahgirl12 Posts: 172 Member
    Thanks all. It was a one off weekend and I'm back on track now. Would anybody like to look at my diaries (not the weekend ones, I know they are bad!) and give me any advice? I'm trying to eat clean and up my protein. Am always unsure as to what to set my macros at.

    Any advice gratefully received.

    Lucy x