All week I've been feeling chubby and lazy.

Last night I ordered a pizza and had a few beers, which would've been a non issue if it weren't for the way I've been eating all week. My husband begged me to make ribs, then pulled pork, then he bought a bunch of soda. It's frustrating, everytime I lose a little it seems like my husband does his best to throw me off track. I know that he doesn't mean to try and sabotage my efforts, but he doesn't seem to understand saying things like "it's one meal" or "you were good last week so who cares" or my personal favorite "you deserve it" aren't helpful.
The worst part is, aside from some Doritos, I don't even like the high calorie crap he's been asking me to make, I've just been too lazy/unmotivated to make myself something else for dinner.


  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    I'm sorry your having a rough week. I go threw that as well sometimes. I wish I could tell you an easy fix for the issue, but I don't know one! Lol. But just wanted to tell you that I've been threw weeks like that also :-)
  • MarKayDee
    MarKayDee Posts: 196
    Thanks, I can't exactly fault my husband for trying to make me feel better, and for buying me icecream (I've had a VERY chubby week), but it can be frustrating trying to explain why I don't want super calorie packed foods all over again.
  • greentart
    greentart Posts: 411 Member
    Have you actually sat down with your hubby and explained that you need his support for this? It sounds like he doesn't think you need to lose weight and therefore doesn't understand why you're not eating certain foods that you've always eaten. Explain it to him. Explain to him why. That to me would be step one. However, you can make pulled pork, and have it be a healthy recipe. You can make ribs, and have it be healthy. These are things that you need to realize. If your hubby asks for pizza, order it with a side salad. Have a slice of pizza and a plate of salad.

    Step two is, you need to hold on to your motivation. Only YOU can want this for you, and only YOU can change your eating habits. Buck up, and say 'no' to yourself. That's the only way you're ever going to lose weight and the only way things will ever change. If you feel chubby and lazy, then get off your butt and do something 'bout it, because no one else can. It's totally up to you.
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    The only person that can truly sabotage me - is me.

    I think if you sat down with your hubby and explained how you are feeling and what help you need to be successful - he would get on board. Sometimes, we think people want us to help them cheat. I know I did. In the past, all it took was one of my friends saying, "Come on - it's been a hard week."

    Figure out what your goals are. Talk to your husband about the importance of your goals. Then, work your plan. :flowerforyou:
  • tonileigh820
    tonileigh820 Posts: 761 Member
    It's hard for people who aren't going through it to understand sometimes. At least it sounds like your husband loves you just the way you are now! Maybe just try explaining to him why you wanna do this and how much harder it is when he requests and buys all those things. And really, you can eat things like that, just try having smaller portions than you normally would. Make a nice big salad for yourself along with whatever you're making him for dinner and eat a little of what he's having and then have your salad, fruits, veggies along with it.
  • MaggieGiamalvo
    MaggieGiamalvo Posts: 397 Member
    Have you actually sat down with your hubby and explained that you need his support for this? It sounds like he doesn't think you need to lose weight and therefore doesn't understand why you're not eating certain foods that you've always eaten. Explain it to him. Explain to him why. That to me would be step one. However, you can make pulled pork, and have it be a healthy recipe. You can make ribs, and have it be healthy. These are things that you need to realize. If your hubby asks for pizza, order it with a side salad. Have a slice of pizza and a plate of salad.

    Step two is, you need to hold on to your motivation. Only YOU can want this for you, and only YOU can change your eating habits. Buck up, and say 'no' to yourself. That's the only way you're ever going to lose weight and the only way things will ever change. If you feel chubby and lazy, then get off your butt and do something 'bout it, because no one else can. It's totally up to you.


    Also explain to him that you're not a short-order cook. You'll be making 1 meal for dinner that fits into your new healthy lifestyle. You'll make enough for everyone, but if he chooses to not eat the healthy meal you put on the table, he can get off his butt and make his own dinner.
  • Warrior_Butterfly
    AS I SAID TO YOU ON THE 2nd MARCH IN A VERY SIMILAR THREAD ......."I'm not picking up what you're laying down if I'm honest. You were active for a month and lost 8lbs which is awesome but then grumble that this month you haven't lost anything but know it's your fault as you have not been getting up to exercise, have eaten fast food and chocolate.
    You need to remember that your present situation is not your final destination. You need to get off that couch and stop eating junk. Nobody can want it for you. You have to want it for yourself."