Replacing Fave Treats

I am sure everyone has favorite treats that for years before eating healthy they had all the time. Some things I am sure you still treat yourself to however somethings you may have cut out or replaced.

My Faves were Tortilla chips, Cheez-its, Twizzlers and Necco wafers.
Tortilla chips I still have but I use Snyders reduced fat with single serve salsa. I use low fat sour cream most of the time with it.
I have replaced cheez-its with Ostrim Jerkee & Ritz mini crackers. Twizzlers have not been fully replaced (is that possible lol) however kid Zone makes a mock twizzler out of real fruit. Not the same..but it kills the urge :) Necco wafers sadly have not been replaced..but not consumed either :/ Like chips - can not eat just one.

What are your faves & replacements?