Getting rid of stubborn fat at a normal weight

Hi everyone. The answer to my problem is difficult to find on the internet and I was hoping I could get help here. I am at a normal weight with %26 body fat and it's visibly stored on my thighs. My measurements.

23yo/female - 5' 3" - 110 pounds. BMI: 19.5

Bust: 36" Below Bust: 29" Waist: 24" Hips: 34" Thigh: 22" (thunder thighs for the rest of my body, makes pants shopping a nightmare) Body fat: %26 (I'd like this to be around %22)

I want to reduce my body fat which is stubborn thigh fat WITHOUT losing weight. But since there's no such thing as spot reducing and fat on my thighs would be last to go away I don't know how to achieve this at a healthy weight. I really wouldn't want to be underweight.

Strength training would reduce my body fat if I can maintain if I increase my calorie intake, I think? But it wouldn't make my thighs slimmer.

If you really think about it, the only option seems losing weight until my thighs get slimmer and gain it back with strength training. Do I have the luxury to do this like someone who has a higher BMI with %26 body fat, no. I really don't know how to find an answer to this.

Any suggestions would be welcome. Thank you.


  • aalbert_82
    aalbert_82 Posts: 95 Member
    Someone on here recommended reading the articles on this site:
    I noticed that he had some info on stubborn fat loss but did not read it because that's not my problem - yet. He has a whole book about it. Might be worth checking out?
  • howdoieven
    I'll look into it, thanks aalbert_82
  • howdoieven
    The site doesn't have much info for my situation