before or after breakfast?

I am a full time employee working 5 to 6 nights from 3-11pm.
I am going back to school fulltime this summer to finish up my degree.
I have 2 girls under the age of 3.
During the day I am busy getting my house back in order, doing dishes, laundry, and dealing with finances or other important issues while my girls are in daycare.
I've tried to go on walks with my daughters but I have a 1 child stroller (no money for a dual) and the girls fight over the seat the whole time I try to go for a walk. So walking with them is difficult and stressful.

So that all pretty much sums up to early mornings when I can go for a walk/run (during the week while my kids are in daycare) but when is the best time to go for a walk. After eating breakfast or before? I'm going to gradually train myself to run up to 4 miles a day if not more so I can do my first 5k run. Do something that I can be proud of for myself while it gets me into shape other than finishing school.


  • _MG_
    _MG_ Posts: 453 Member
    The best time is the one you can commit to doing - and make it part of your routine.
  • freckledjezebel
    freckledjezebel Posts: 65 Member
    I've done both- run on an empty stomach and after breakfast (around 11am). Running before eating ensures that you are burning off fat reserves instead of food energy, but it is HARD to work out before eating because you have no energy and it's that much harder to push yourself. Running after eating ensures that you have energy, but you're burning off the food and not necessarily the fat reserves. I personally run after eating because I can push myself more and I feel better afterwards. So it's a tradeoff and depends on what you're comfortable with.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    The best time is the one you can commit to doing - and make it part of your routine.
