Suggestions for couch potatoes!

Hello there! I love my tv and internet. I'm not going to get on your case about watching TV or surfing online. Obviously most people are aware that those times should be limited. I'm a hypocrite if I saw stick to the 2 hours a day plan. So here's my suggestion...
While watching tv,
do push ups or sit ups
Do squats, leg lifts
Stretches, yoga,
Use someone's face on the tv and punch them (Not for real obviously)
Other arm reaches or things
During commercials get up and go clean.

While online,
lift your legs...while sitting straighten out your leg and put it down (like swinging).
Clench your abs, hold for a few seconds, relase and repeat....
Small things.

They won't take much weight off but they will get you moving a bit.


  • redefiningmyself
    redefiningmyself Posts: 476 Member
    My husband and I each had exercise bikes when we met and got married. Now they are both in front of the TV, along with an abcruncher and some hand weights. So now there's no excuse for us to skip exercising on account of tv. :)
    (Side note: I've used the bike more in the last 3 weeks then I have in the last 3 years!)
  • Motleybird
    Motleybird Posts: 119 Member
    Put some good music on and dance in your chair. Or stand up and dance if you're waiting for something to download.

    If you're really dedicated (and I'm not) get rid of the comfy chair and put your computer in a tall counter or bookshelf (take out some of the shelves to make room) so you're standing up.
  • Tasha1476
    i dont have room for a bike by my TV, so I usually jog in place with weights while watching my favorite shows... I also do some free weights or toss the medicine ball with my sister while we watch tv. :D