Exercise Routine for a newbe

Hi there! I'm looking for some feedback on an exercise routine for me the newbe.... I have an elliptical, and can do just up to 15 minutes. Started out only being about to do 5. To say I'm completely out of shape would be an understatement.... I'm 5' even and 223lbs. I have 3 1/2 year old twins and quite frankly, I'm sick and tired of being too tired and out of shape to run and play with them.

I'm not looking to do a 30 day ab challenge or anything like that... just want to get fit and healthy. Any constructive feedback would be greatly appreciated....


  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Congratulations on wanting a healthier lifestyle! :-) I remember how hard and tiring it was caring for Toddlers, it's like a full time job! :-) I don't have a routine for you, but use YouTube and other sites and you'll be able to find a routine for your fitness level. That's what I did, and I found great kettlebell routines (you can buy a kettlebell at Walmart for @12/13$. But anything that you pick, will be just fine! :-) good luck on your journey!!

    Ps I started around the same weight, I stopped weighing myself after I hit 202, so am unsure of an exact number though. But I weigh 135 now. If I can do this, I know you can!!!! I went from barely having enough energy to get off the sofa, to never sitting down! :-) I wish you the best! :-)

  • capi99
    capi99 Posts: 21
    Hi, I found that starting with a short cardio prog first thing in the morning, boosts your metabolism helps. I started on a 10 min to a 15 min, and eventually 30 min on a elliptical program upon waking. From there you could move to doing what you can handle. I know do 5 - 6Km run 4 - 5 mornings a week. I find it helps with my focus for the rest of the day.
  • meritage4
    meritage4 Posts: 1,441 Member
    Do you have a good double stroller? Take the twins for a walk-maybe to a playground? or even just around the block to start.
    Elliptical is fine I was just adding walking outside for variety.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    eat less and move more …

    At some point you may want to consider strength training/heavy lifting….