sugar or fat

I know it's very importatant to watch both fat and sugar intake however, I'm a little confused and am curious, which is more important? Cutting out more sugar or fat?


  • lesteidel
    lesteidel Posts: 229 Member
    Your body needs some fat to function properly,

    Added sugar? Not necessary at all.

    As long as your calories are in your goal, you can still have both and lose though.
  • 9thChakra
    9thChakra Posts: 141 Member
    Hi, idabug3.

    Since you use the internet...I suggest doing a search on the harmful effects of sugar. Although there has been a great deal of information and research about the harmful effects of's only recently that this awareness is spreading into the public psyche.

    As lesteidel says...your body needs some fat (the "good" kind) in order to support many body functions.

    Great resources I like are "Total Nutrition for Dummies" and "The Realities of Nutrition." Also, The World's Healthiest Foods website as well as Nutrition Database can provide you with more info about specific foods.

    Take care!

  • GiGiBeans
    GiGiBeans Posts: 1,062 Member
    Sugar tends to make me feel hungrier. Fat makes me full and happy. I watch my sugar more closely.
  • Dewymorning
    Dewymorning Posts: 762 Member
    If you eat excess fat (over your maintenance calories) your body stores is as fat.

    If you eat excess sugars (over your maintenance calories) your body burns it up instead of fat and then stores the left over fat as fat. It will also store some as glycogen, but that is not too much of a problem.

    i.e. in terms of weight gain the same number of calories in fat and sugar have basically the same impact, only through a slightly different path.

    There are some differences in terms of blood sugars and insulin, so if you are pre-diabetic or diabetic you need to watch that you don't have too much sugar at once. I am not an expert on this.

    As others have said you need fat in your diet, there is also no harm in having a moderate amount of sugar in your diet.

    The most important thing is to eat a balanced diet that is below your daily calorie expenditure to lose weight.

    i.e. calories in, calories out is mostly right.