i lost 121 pds but gained some back

Hello,my name is Step. Im 33 years of age. 4 years ago i lost 121 pds but gained at least half of that back. Ive been on my new journey for almost a month. I have lost 9 pds but i figured out what im currently doing wrong. I also have a thyroid condition. I know that im not getting any younger. Its time to upgrade my flex with my gym workout. NOT to mention watch my food. Im so ready to do better.


  • GinNJuice75
    GinNJuice75 Posts: 186 Member
    Yay you are on the right track! I lost 160lbs but had regained 60lbs of that back, right now i just have 31lbs more to go to get to where i was before. Thyroid will mess everything up, i dont have one and it contributed to *some* of my regain. But one can do anything they put their mind to!