fitness routine help

hey very new at this just wanted some input into my routines see if i need to change anything
basically what im doing every morning fasted is 10 minutes on the cross trainer as warm up, leg day i do

30 walking lunges with 5 kg dumbbell each hand then
30 squats with 5 kg dumbbell each hand then repeat 3 times
then i move onto machines,
leg press with 30 and do as many as i can usually 15 and repeat twice
then leg press at 30 and same again as many as i can do usually 10 x 3
leg extensions 3 x 10

then i finish with a hiit workout
1 minute running at 12mph on 3-5 incline (change it up during work out)
then i recover on 6mph then run for a minute or more if i can and less if i cant and recover and change that up slightly for 20 minutes

is this okay?