Greetings from San Diego

Hello - just started my journey on MFP, and just started using a FitBit Flex to also help me stay on track! After I graduated college, I gained some weight and now challenged to lose about 15-20 lbs (and gain muscle while doing it)! My exercise consists of walking/running at the gym a few times a week but looking into (maybe) trying Crossfit/HIIT workouts.

Looking forward to the MFP community, and everyone's encouragement! :)


  • jess431983
    I moved to san diego about 6 months ago. Looking for people with the same goals as me. Im looking to lose about 20-30 lbs.
  • 1980amberc
    1980amberc Posts: 17 Member
    Hi fellow San Diegans! In a similar boat. I lost 20 lbs over the last 4 years, but never made it to my goal (25 lbs). Now I need to lose 12 lbs total, and at least the 7 I gained since August (yikes!) Would love to motivate one another!
  • DivineChoices
    DivineChoices Posts: 193 Member
    I'm in SD too!!!! Feel free to add me!!
  • patnguyen34
    patnguyen34 Posts: 32 Member
    San Diego Fatty here!!! ha ha ha, looking to loose about 50 pounds. would love to join in your journey and all lose weight together!
  • theycallmearth
    theycallmearth Posts: 196 Member
    Welcome to the site and good luck in your endeavors!