Read this and tell me what you think.


  • Hondo_Man
    Hondo_Man Posts: 114 Member
    Nope. It`s spot-on.

    4. Won`t necessarily make your muscles stronger. True. It`s genetic. Necessary is the key word. But the same amount of weight
    doesn't work either. Individual dependent.

    5. Do you think a bicep curl doesn`t target your biceps? That is the point of certain lifting exercises. Spot loss on fat, doesn`t work. Never had never will. Sit-ups don't target fat loss on your abs. It makes your abs muscle stronger and larger depending upon the extent of your ab work.

    7. Muscles are quite smart. Doing the same routine day after day and week after week will not cause them to grow. Mixing it up, adding weight, less and more reps, causes confusion and makes the muscles grow.
