Do this diet sound healthy to you?



  • kagevf
    kagevf Posts: 509 Member
    got any meat? whats up with this squirrel food?
  • Paula71jnj
    Paula71jnj Posts: 12 Member
    No this looks really low calorie and your not eating enough protein and carbs, you need to eat a healthy balanced diet to lose weight and this to me looks like a very excessive way to lose weight
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    People in prison eat more
  • GothJuice
    GothJuice Posts: 66 Member
    Nope! As everyone has said it is much too low in calories, and the second you come off the diet you will regain anything you've lost as you're body will go into starvation mode and start storing everything you eat as fat.
    It's best to up your calories to a minimum of 1200 (though that still is the lowest you should consume it's recommended to consume more but MFP has some good guildelines for daily calorie intake) and diet the slow and steady way ^_^ That way you make perminant lifestyle changes as you lose over a longer period of timen so you are less likely to regain. ^_^

    Also welcome to MFP! It's a pleasure to meet you! ^_^
  • expoduck
    expoduck Posts: 59
    Am I the only person who looked at this and thought "Sweet potato for breakfast??" :huh:
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,021 Member
    Am I the only person who looked at this and thought "Sweet potato for breakfast??" :huh:
    Well, then you will probably freak out at Pho. :bigsmile:
  • lowfyr
    lowfyr Posts: 9
    Fruits = Sugar = Bad.

    Why do you people always eat fruits its not good... the fructose sugar is bad and makes you hungry and addicted.

    always go veggies > fruits .... always...
  • Left4Good
    Left4Good Posts: 304
    What do you mean, 'you people?
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,021 Member
    Fruits = Sugar = Bad.

    Why do you people always eat fruits its not good... the fructose sugar is bad and makes you hungry and addicted.

    always go veggies > fruits .... always...
    Propaganda again.
  • ATT949
    ATT949 Posts: 1,245 Member
    As other posters have commented, you're not eating much (I haven't done the math but your cals are very low) and you're not getting much in the way of protein.

    OTOH, we don't need much in the way of protein but, fortunately, our species doesn't require much protein. I'm a 6' 1" runner and I only consume 100 gm protein per day which is enough according to every source I checked except for the folks who sell protein supplements.

    Insofar as "too few calories" and "ewe, you're on a diet".
    I ate 800-1000 cals/day (net) for 7 months. I lost a ton of weight, have zero loose skin (I'm not 57 so I'm starting to see some because of age), and, as I got to the end of my weight loss, I started running and did a half marathon with ease (I hadn't run in 25 years prior). So, yes, we can follow a "low calorie diet" and run. Please refer to my diary for the time period 12/10/10 through 8/31/11 and you'll see how little I ate.

    Now that I look back at that diet, what strikes me is - "Holy ****, I didn't eat much!". When you start dipping below 1k cals, it can b very hard on the body so it make sense to check in with a doctor before you embark on that approach.

    And the other is "ewe - it's a diet so it won't work long term". That's a valid warning. From my understanding, from my experience here on MFP and from my fiancée who ran a weight loss clinic for about 5 years, people who go on a diet typically lose weight quickly, can't maintain the diet, and gain the weight back. If you might be susceptible to that, you gotta weigh the odds - can you maintain an aggressive diet and, if you don't, how will it impact you emotionally and physically?

    Turns out that I picked out pretty good parents (in that respect, at least) 'cause I am very "goal focused". After I finished the Half Marathon, I got on my motorcycle and did a 1000 miles in a day ride through the deserts of CA and AZ - in August. That's not easy for most folks to do (as far as I can tell, I'm the only person who's ever done that) and it was difficult enough that I had to sleep for a few hours which is something I never had to do when I did other 1k in a day rides.

    Many folks here, rightfully, choose to alter their eating habits and lose weight more gradually. There are a lot of good reasons for that. On the other hand, if you put together a diet that you like AND that you can stick with, AND if you have the emotional strength to eat "essence of vegetable steam" for months, AND have the emotional control to eat sensibly, things might work out well. A few folks have friended me specifically because of my approach and they have had good results.

    it looks like your cals are even lower than what I ate and, at that level, especially for a female who, IIRC, should consume a little more fat than a male, you might find that you're not feeling up to par. If you're feeling low on energy or run into problems with your monthly cycle, you need to up your cals to get things working again (there may be other issues but I've been in maintenance for a couple of years).

    Sorry for the long posting but best of luck with your weight loss journey.