Feeling pretty down about my weight... advice needed

Hi there,

I've recently put on 1-2kg, I've been working out 4 times a week, burning around 650 cals and then doing an 30-40 minutes of weight training. My clothes still fit and I know muscle is heavier than fat but 1-2 kg seems a lot to put on from weight training? I don't like seeing the number on the scales in the morning as I feel like this is a step back...

When I put into the app that I wanted to lose .75kg a week my calories came out at 1200 a day?? But I burn at least 2400 a week... and that's the minimum! Sometimes up to 3000, so why is my calorie intake so low? How many calories should I be eating a day... or should I not worry about my weight and it is just that I've built up muscle?

I'm feeling pretty down about it and it isn't good for me to become obsessed with this as I've had problems with food before and this is the first time in a few years I've had a really good relationship with food and taken care of myself properly.

Maybe if I give you my weight it might be a bit easier.. I was working on maintaining my weight at around 54kg and this morning I weighed 56 which is the most I've weighed since before Xmas. (before people tell me it isn't a lot to weight, I'm not saying I think I'm fat I have just had issues with my diet and weight in the past and I start to feel crap about it again when I put on weight.)

Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks :)


  • bekamullin
    bekamullin Posts: 16 Member
    56kg is still pretty low, how tall are you? I think the best thing you can is track through measurements and body fat percentage (if you can). It's hard to say whether or not you will have built muscle that quickly because it's different for everyone really, but it's certainly a possibility depending on how hard/heavy you are going with the weights.

    I certainly think 1200 calories is way too low at your activity level, especially with weight training, you need to fuel your body! My fitness pal can come out with some silly numbers sometimes because it has to generalize to everybody, so make sure you're tweaking to yourself. If you haven't already, work out your BMR and factor in your activity level. If you're wanting to lose .75 a week (which I would suggest is a little high as your weight is already pretty low) then you'll need to be in a 750 calorie deficit to do this. That's probably why your MFP calculation was so low, and I think it's cut off is 1200 calories so it doesn't let you go into starvation mode.

    Personally if I were you I would focus on body recomp, don't try to 'lose weight' but focus on building muscle and as long as you're not eating in a surplus you won't put on any fat (but its possible you'll put on weight or maintain). Take your measurements every 2 weeks and maybe some pictures and you'll probably get a better idea of whether what you're doing is working.
  • 89nunu
    89nunu Posts: 1,082 Member
    If you follow mfp you have to eat back your exercise calories!! So you burn 1000 a day and you are on 1200 you eat 2200!
    But I agree with the above poster that .75 kg weight loss is to much for someone your size.

    Also when you start a new exercise regimen your body holds on to water to repair the muscles. It's probably just that. You will not have gained 1-2 kg in muscle while eating that little !

    ETA: look at the link above and give it some time. The sclaes will go down again!
  • bekamullin
    bekamullin Posts: 16 Member

    Also when you start a new exercise regimen your body holds on to water to repair the muscles. It's probably just that. You will not have gained 1-2 kg in muscle while eating that little !

    This used to happen to me just from running! I'd get really annoyed and think i'm running an hour a day why aren't I losing any weight but actually I was trying to make myself drop 3lbs in a week and I wasn't looking at the bigger picture!

    Think of it this way, would you care if you the scale said you were 64kg if your body looked exactly how you wanted it to? We need to remember that the scales are just something to track our progress against, they are not our actual progress. That's what we see in the changes in our body, how we look, how we feel, how strong we are.
  • ChilliRed
    ChilliRed Posts: 25 Member
    I've been eating 1200 calories a day and exercising 3 -4 times a week for 8 weeks and up until last week I hadn't lost any weight. I calculated my TDEE and started eating more and I have lost a 1lb this week so maybe you are not eating enough
  • Honeycat89
    Honeycat89 Posts: 149
    56kg is still pretty low, how tall are you?

    I'm 5ft5. I haven't been eating this little, I only calculated this today. I've been eating between 1500-1700 a day. It only came out today at 1200. I've also been exercising since last September so my workout isn't new. I have included a bit more into my weights routine... but not much!
  • bekamullin
    bekamullin Posts: 16 Member
    I think your calories are about right, make sure you're getting a good balance of protein, carbs and healthy fats in there. Why don't you try mixing up your workouts? I personally would say weight training is more important than cardio in changing your body, but do whatever works for you. Maybe try intervals if you're not already? Or circuit training?
  • kagevf
    kagevf Posts: 509 Member
    why worry. you still look hot. couldnt tell between 54 and 56kg...ditch the scale!
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    First, I doubt anyone can see the weight gain but you. I am pretty sure you could gain 3-4 more kilos and still look great.
    Second, it should be 1200 clas plus the 650 you burn, so actually close to 2000.
    Third, chances are this is just water retention and you are trying to sovle a problem that is not even there.
  • drew06
    drew06 Posts: 28

    Read this article.
    To summarize it:

    It is about a girl who was overweight her entire life and then slaved to a very low calorie diet and hours upon hours of cardio per week. She lost a ton of weight (170 to 117 pounds I think) ,but had little energy and was miserable all the time.

    She did some research and changed her approach. She started to lift for strength, do HIIT, and eat more ( I think it said 1000 calories more). But she gained back weight ( up to 130lbs ish), but in the form of muscle (she looks great). She was stronger, healthier, and looked and felt great!

    She also used to weigh herself daily and count every single calorie which became a chore so she ditched that too.

    To take away from this great article STOP LOOKING AT THE SCALE! I feel like the scale is a good measure to see how you are doing once every one/two weeks. The BEST MEASURE, is how satisfied are you when you look at yourself in the mirror. This person went from super skinny and looking sick to a great toned body all by gaining weight GASP!

    So long you love the way you look, who cares what the scale says!