Tell me about you NSVs...



  • beachylove
    beachylove Posts: 137 Member
    1. Blood Pressure is the lowest it has been in the last 6 years, I am finally out of the danger zone!

    2. All my bloodwork was amazing during my physical a couple weeks ago and I freaked out the computer at the Drs office with my weight change :happy:

    3. None of my clothes fit! Everything is huge on me now (I bought everything big before to hide so now shirts are like dresses)
    I cant wait to buy all new stuff (including a bikini, shorts and dresses) once I hit goal weight.

    4. Hearing from family and friends how awesome I am doing and how I am inspiring them to get healthy. :flowerforyou:

    5. Being asked by my doctor to speak at his health and wellness class to help inspire his other patients :blushing:

    6. Just feeling awesome all around and loving the change I see each day as I look in the mirror.
  • clijun
    clijun Posts: 23 Member
    1 compliments from co-workers
    2 jogging pace started around 3mph is now 6mph and i can maintain it for 2 miles
    3 compliments from people an my jogging coarse.:blushing:
    4 i can borrow my friends jacket and it fits
    5 i can wear pants that a year ago i couldn't get one leg into.
    6 my dog wears out before i do.:devil:
    7 i need new running shoes because i am starting to wear through the souls of my current ones.:happy:
  • Limeycat
    Limeycat Posts: 249 Member
    I ran over 5 miles for the first time ever :happy:
  • Chezzie84
    Chezzie84 Posts: 873 Member
    1. Getting into a jacket I have not worn since 1997.

    2. The hand-me- down size 18 jeans my daughter Cheryl gave me are now too big, and so I'm waiting for her to give me her size 16.

    3. My boobs don't pop over the top of my bra.

    4. I don't have to sleep permanently on my I snore less.

    5. I can walk up the hill without my heart jumping out of my chest.

    6. The slimmer I become, the longer I will be able to participate in this outdoor life I have chosen.

    7. Although my husband has always told me, it was very nice when a male friend told me the other day, I looked beautiful.

    As the daughter mentioned, I am extremely proud of my mom
  • Chezzie84
    Chezzie84 Posts: 873 Member
    I have had a message from someone who wants to contribute to this thread but wants to remain anonymous because he thinks the NSV is embarrassing.
    I personally thinks its a great one if your a bloke.

    His NSV is that since he has list weight his willy now looks bigger and since he has lost weight off his stomach he can see it.

    Well Done =)
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    Adding an unplanned kilometre to my long run a couple of weeks back and doing 18km in total.

    Half Marathon distance is within my grasp.
  • mrsl90
    mrsl90 Posts: 31
    Being asked just how much weight had I lost.
    Fitting back into a smaller size scrub suit.
    Fitting comfortably into my jeans just after they've been washed.
    Tightening my belt, cos it's too big on the other hole now
  • bingo_jenn
    bingo_jenn Posts: 63 Member
    I have had a message from someone who wants to contribute to this thread but wants to remain anonymous because he thinks the NSV is embarrassing.
    I personally thinks its a great one if your a bloke.

    His NSV is that since he has list weight his willy now looks bigger and since he has lost weight off his stomach he can see it.

    Well Done =)

    That's awesome. :)
  • jbee27
    jbee27 Posts: 356 Member
    I had to buy new belts! Even on the smallest hole the old one wasn't as small as my hips!
  • kms2896
    kms2896 Posts: 4
    1) Having people at work say that I am looking good, especially on days that I am feeling unmotivated.

    2) An increase in my self-confidence! :smile:

    3) Smaller shirt size.

    4) Play dates with my niece, in which I can actually play with her on the floor. :laugh:
  • ninja8tofu
    ninja8tofu Posts: 76 Member
    1) I can keep up with my very active almost 5 year old.

    2) My daughter (18) brought me a pair of jeans that shrunk too much lengthwise and wanted me to try them on. Size 6! They fit!

    3) My sex drive is back (WOOOOOO!!!)

    4) I'm a knitter and I can now make sweaters in my own size and they cost less because they take way less yarn.
  • bobbijodmb
    bobbijodmb Posts: 463 Member
    1. Being smaller than I was in high school

    2. Running my first half marathon in 10 days when I hated running

    3. Being able to shop at anything clothing store

    4. Being able to comfortably sit in the seats on a plane

    5. Being hit on by exceptionally hot guys =) *never thought that would happen*

    6. Having all of my 'skinny' clothes be too big

    7. Realizing that I have lost a whole person in weight =)
  • clijun
    clijun Posts: 23 Member
    had one needed to add stopped eating deep fried foo, and stopped drinking soda.
  • Anonycatgirl
    Anonycatgirl Posts: 502 Member
    I can do side planks without modifications, and yesterday, I managed an arm balance in yoga. (Not for long, but getting off the ground at all is huge progress, considering I was scared to even try before last week.)

    In fact, I can sum up the NSV in one word: STRONGER.
  • Limeycat
    Limeycat Posts: 249 Member
    I completed my first 10k in about 66 minutes :bigsmile: My goal was 70 mins, so very pleased!
  • yafashelli
    yafashelli Posts: 112 Member
    This is such a great thread!

    I noticed just this week that some of my more form-fitting shirts were getting a little on the big side.

    I no longer have to be afraid to wash my jeans--they'll still fit right after!

    Keep up the hard work; you're all amazing!
  • JSE81
    JSE81 Posts: 114 Member
    I can pretty much jog a 9 hole round of golf carrying my clubs.
  • djones209
    djones209 Posts: 23 Member
    Best one ever for me happened yesterday. I was folding laundry and came to this "little"pair of jeans. Thinking they were my daughter's jeans, I placed them on her bed so she would find them. Later that evening I was dressing to go out and could not find my new jeans. I finally realized that the jeans on her bed were mine!!

    Seeing how much warmer it is going to be next week and having ZERO shirts to wear to work next week because they are all too big. Going to Goodwill and finding TEN beautiful and slimming new blouses for under forty bucks!!:bigsmile:
  • JJinWI
    JJinWI Posts: 197 Member
    My mom saw a sofa table she wanted in a furniture store. Store charged a $100 delivery fee. I told her I would pick it up for her. The store employees loaded it in my van, so I really didn't get a sense for how heavy it actually was. (They were two young, strong guys - easy for them.) When I got to my mom's place, I realized just how heavy that sucker was! REALLY heavy! But, I managed to get it in her place all by myself. No way I could have done that before weight lifting. Never turn down anyone asking help to move. Such a great workout that doesn't come around often.
  • Limeycat
    Limeycat Posts: 249 Member
    My fella said to me this morning 'You need to buy yourself some new jeans, those look awful, they're hanging off your *kitten*'. Which would have been enough of an NSV in itself, but I only bought the jeans in question 10 days ago, as the others I had were all too big! :blushing: