What's your biggest way of keeping yourself motivated?



  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    well these message boards and youtube keeps me motivated. I have this pic of me hanging up on my bathroom mirror at the weight I felt most healthy and wanted to be but now that I almost hit that, I need another visual to get to my goal weight. guese I got to pick someone else that isn't me. lol. (the pic is my profile pic now)

    I also kept my big work pants that the day I was starting out losing, I had to resew the inside of the pants leg yet again because they were so tight and I kept ripping the seams out. Now they are huge on me... like so huge I put them on over my jeans and they fall off. those are a big motivator to tell me to not get that big again. ever.
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    I want to get a new tattoo when I hit 100 lost!!! :happy:

    me too, I plan to get a third and fourth one but not until I can show more skin. :drinker: :laugh:
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Motivation comes and goes...habits die hard. Basically I've established a lot of good, healthy habits. I no longer view going to the gym and/or working out as this extra thing...this extra chore that I have to do; it's just a part of my daily as much as brushing my teeth or taking a shower is part of my daily. For the most part, I just do.

    Nutrition and fitness are just intrinsic aspects of my life. It also helps when you do something you enjoy...way too many people on here think that you have to be up at the crack of dawn jumping around like some *kitten* to a DVD or droning away on an aerobic machine to be "working out"....when in reality they could be doing something highly enjoyable like hiking or taking their bike out for a nice ride or going for a jog with their dog, etc. In my experience, doing things that you don't enjoy doing don't ever tend to become a big part of your life.

    As far as nutrition goes, despite what the vast majority seem to think, awesome nutrition does not have to be bland and tasteless or boring...I rock my nutrition and my food is delicious. I'm a foodie and believe food is something to be highly enjoyed as well as providing for energy and nutrients.

    Basically if you're constantly having motivation issues and having difficulty sticking to things, you may want to re-evaluate what you're doing fitness wise as well as re-evaluating your calorie goals and your understanding of nutrition...because rocking your fitness and nutrition really isn't hard, and if it is, you're probably doing it wrong.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    I'm always curious,and there's so many different ideas.
    Buy something a size smaller.
    Look at the worst photo of yourself.
    Book a holiday to give yourself a goal.
    But i was wondering what works you guys personally, and if there's anything new i haven't heard of yet,
    Just a couple suggestions off you guys would be great.

    Motivated to do what specifically?
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Motivation comes and goes...habits die hard. Basically I've established a lot of good, healthy habits. I no longer view going to the gym and/or working out as this extra thing...this extra chore that I have to do; it's just a part of my daily as much as brushing my teeth or taking a shower is part of my daily. For the most part, I just do.

    Nutrition and fitness are just intrinsic aspects of my life. It also helps when you do something you enjoy...way too many people on here think that you have to be up at the crack of dawn jumping around like some *kitten* to a DVD or droning away on an aerobic machine to be "working out"....when in reality they could be doing something highly enjoyable like hiking or taking their bike out for a nice ride or going for a jog with their dog, etc. In my experience, doing things that you don't enjoy doing don't ever tend to become a big part of your life.

    As far as nutrition goes, despite what the vast majority seem to think, awesome nutrition does not have to be bland and tasteless or boring...I rock my nutrition and my food is delicious. I'm a foodie and believe food is something to be highly enjoyed as well as providing for energy and nutrients.

    Basically if you're constantly having motivation issues and having difficulty sticking to things, you may want to re-evaluate what you're doing fitness wise as well as re-evaluating your calorie goals and your understanding of nutrition...because rocking your fitness and nutrition really isn't hard, and if it is, you're probably doing it wrong.

    This ^^ has not been my experience. I agree nutrition is easy and there is no reason it should be bland or boring.

    I read on these forums often that it takes 21 days to form a habit and once you've formed the habit it's hard to break it. But I've always been a very free and easy type person. I may have the same habit or routine of exercising for weeks, months or years and then suddenly not want to do it anymore. Maybe I'm fickle or flighty or whatever, but it takes very little to disrupt my habits.

    I've actually been struggling with this a lot lately. There was a disruption in my routine and I'm having a hard time getting back into a fitness groove. All the habits I formed before are gone. I have to find new motivation and new habits.

    This has been the story of my life. Luckily, I've always been able to find it, and I'm confident I will again. In fact, I think maybe I have. Time will tell.
  • Sweetredpoison
    Sweetredpoison Posts: 66 Member
    - I have a paper hung up on my bedroom door (that I see MANY, MANY times a day) with lists of "week 1 - I was this weight" "week 2 - I was this weight" and so on, so I visibly SEE the number dropping.

    - I have two cups of marbles next to my bedside, one with pounds I have to lose, one with pounds I have lost (and a 3rd cup with my fund for new clothes once I reach my goal weight). It's nice seeing the pounds I've lost cup catching up to the pounds I need to lose cup.

    LOVE this ^^^
  • SRKirkpatrick
    SRKirkpatrick Posts: 1 Member
    MyFitnessPal works wonders for me losing weight, when I stick to it. My problem has always been sticking to it. If I can stick with it for a week, I can lose about 5lbs. My problem is giving in to cravings after a few days and bingeing. And once I have a bad day, it's hard for me to get back at it. What I discovered earlier this year is DietBet! It's a website that you pay a wager too...for the 28 day challenge, you have to lose 4% in 28 day. They also have a 6 month challenge (haven't tried yet). If you don't lose the weight, you lose your money, if you do lose the weight, you split the pot with all the other winners. My first best was for $30 and I got $42 back for "winning". I'm on a new one now that ends today with a $35 pot. I plan on rolling my winnings into new games. You can find out all the details on their website. But it's been the best accountability I've ever had.
  • nineteentwenty
    nineteentwenty Posts: 469 Member
    MyFitnessPal works wonders for me losing weight, when I stick to it....it's been the best accountability I've ever had.

    Right on, this site actually keeps me engaged and encouraged. If I write my calories in a little book by myself, it becomes a dreaded chore. But with people who WANT to see me succeed watching and on the same path as I am, this has been fantastic. I have never been more motivated to change in my life.

    Also, I bought my dream bikini, and I do NOT look how I should in it. I'm going to start taking progress pics in it starting this Friday!
  • AddieOverhaul
    AddieOverhaul Posts: 734 Member
    One of my new passions is hiking, so I look at photos and websites about trails that are currently beyond my fitness capabilities, and that motivates me to get in better shape so I can take in those views with my own eyes. Also when I do things, I know they would be easier and more enjoyable if I was in better shape. Like on Sunday, I went on a canoeing/hiking day trip. I'm used to hiking but haven't paddled in years, and it was about 2.5 hours total of paddling. My arms were SO tired and sore that I now am motivated to work my upper body now so next time I can enjoy it more!

    I also found a fitness photo of a woman with a body type similar to mine (although more fit). Busty, strong muscular legs, similar shoulder wide and torso lenth. I have that taped up beside the mirror in my bedroom. Putting up pictures of waif-like young girls is not realistically achievable for me so I think if anything that would be disheartening, but having one up that i can actually aspire to look like is motivating.

    Sometimes when I feel myself slipping I go back and look at photos of myself at my heaviest, and my thinnest. That helps. I also make plans with friends to go for walks/hikes/yoga classes etc. If I feel accountable toothers, I am way less likely to bail if I don't feel like it at the time. And usually once I start I'm glad I did.